Workshop Program

Workshop Program

14:00 - 15:00 Talk by Arnaldo Candido Jr. Federal University of Technology, Paraná, Brazil:

O estado da arte em processamento de voz: reconhecimento, síntese e identificação de locutor

15:00 - 15:30 Overview of the Shared-Tasks [SLIDES]


15:30 - 16:00 GPED-CEIA-UFG [SLIDES]

Domain Specific Wav2vec 2.0 Fine-tuning For The SE&R 2022 Challenge

Alef Iury S. Ferreira and Gustavo dos Reis Oliveira


16:00 - 16:30 SPN-BR-CEIA-UFG [SLIDES]

16:30 - 17:00 IME-USP-FINGER [SLIDES]

Pretrained audio neural networks for Speech emotion recognition in Portuguese

Marcelo Matheus Gauy and Marcelo Finger

17:00 - 17:30 ICMC-EESC-FFLCH [SLIDES]

Transfer Learning and Data Augmentation Techniques applied to Speech Emotion Recognition in SE&R 2022

Caroline Alves, Bruno Carlotto, Bruno Dias, Anátale Garcia, Bruno Gianesi, Renan Izaias, Maria Luiza Morais, Paula Oliveira, Vinícius G. Santos, Rafael Sicoli, Flaviane R. Fernandes Svartman, Sandra Aluisio and Sidney Leal

17:30 - 18:00 LIA-UFMS [SLIDES]

Transductive Ensemble Learning with Graph Neural Network for Speech Emotion Recognition

Eliton L. Scardin Perin and Edson Takashi Matsubara

18:00 18:30 SE&R SofiaFala [SLIDES]

Speech Emotion Recognition in Portuguese for SofiaFala: SER SofiaFala

Alexander Scaranti, Douglas Silva, Fernando Meloni and Alessandra Alaniz

Paper Presentation Instructions:

(1) All paper presentations will be 20 minutes long, followed by a 5-minute-long Q&A session with the audience. Your presentation can be in Portuguese, but your slides should be written in English.

(2) Send the PDF slides of your presentation, no later than 21st March at 10:00 AM,


Ricardo Marcacini <> and

Arnaldo Candido Junior <>

(3) On the day of the SE&R 2022 Workshop you will present the slides from your machine.

Have a PDF copy of the slides handy.

(4) Enter the ZOOM session 15 minutes before the Workshop starts.