SER Task Results (Final Ranking)

This task aims to motivate research for SER in our community, mainly to discuss theoretical and practical aspects of SER, pre-processing and feature extraction, and machine learning models for Portuguese (more...).

Final Ranking:

  1. [Winner] Team IME-USP-FINGER (Paper: Pretrained audio neural networks for Speech emotion recognition in Portuguese )

  2. Team ICMC-EESC-FFLCH (Paper: Transfer Learning and Data Augmentation Techniques applied to Speech Emotion Recognition in SE&R 2022 )

  3. Team LIA-UFMS (Paper: Transductive Ensemble Learning with Graph Neural Network for Speech Emotion Recognition )

  4. Team SE&R SofiaFala (Paper: Speech Emotion Recognition in Portuguese for SofiaFala: SER SofiaFala )