
Hoam Faculty House

Address: 239-1 Nakseondae-Dong, Gwanak-Gu, Seoul, Korea 151-057

Tel: 82-2-871-4053

Fax: 82-2-871-405



How to get Hoam Faculty House

  • Way #1. From Incheon airport to Hoam

1. Take the "#6017 Airport limousine bus" at the GATE 6B or 13B. (Check the Bus time table click)

2. Get off at the last stop "Hoam Faculty House"

Way #2. From Kimpo airport to Hoam

  1. Take the "#6003 Airport limousine bus" at the Bus terminal #6. The bus will depart every 20minutes. The bus fare is 4,000 won by cash.

  2. Get off at the main gate of Seoul National University.

Take a taxi or a shuttle from the main gate of Seoul National University

Shuttle service is available upon reservation only.

Running hour of shuttle : 08:00~19:00 (Monday to Friday).

Please contact at 82-2-880-0311 for reservation

Way #3. By Taxi

  1. Take a taxi from Incheon/Gimpo airport to Hoam Faculty House(HFH).

  2. The fare could be changeable upon traffic situation. Please contact us at +82-2-880-0311 or for reservation.