

  1. Nov. 4, 2021, Universality of Scaling Limits for 2D Symplectic Ensembles, Workshop on Stochastic Analysis and PDE (online).

  2. Oct. 21, 2021, Scaling limits of 2D symplectic ensembles, 2021 KMS Fall Meeting (online).

  3. Jul. 19, 2021, Edge behaviors of 2D Coulomb gases with boundary confinements, 10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics (online).

  4. Feb. 10, 2021, Edge behaviors of 2D Coulomb gases at a hard wall, Bielefeld-Melbourne Random matrix seminar (online).

  5. Oct. 23, 2020, Universality in Random matrix theory, Focus session: A Meeting between PDE, Geometry, Probability, and Data, 2020 KMS Meeting (online).

  6. Jul. 3, 2020, Edge behavior of 2D Coulomb gases with a hard wall, 2020 KMS Spring Meeting (online).

  7. Jun. 29, 2020, Universality in randomness, Seoul Science High School, Korea.

  8. Nov. 2, 2019, On boundary confinements for the Coulomb gas, The 13th Annual KMS Probability Workshop, KAIST, Korea.

  9. Sep. 24, 2019, Two approaches for local statistics of random normal matrix ensembles: Ward's equation and orthogonal polynomials, Random matrix seminar, KTH, Sweden.

  10. Aug. 21, 2019, A scale of boundary conditions for the random normal matrix model, Third ZiF Summer School: Randomness in Physics and Mathematics, Bielefeld, Germany.

  11. May 9, 2019, Random normal matrix models with a soft edge of spectrum, Conference: Random Matrices and Related Topics, KIAS, Korea.

  12. Apr. 29, 2019, Universality for random normal matrix ensembles, Three W's seminar, KIAS, Korea.

  13. Apr. 20, 2019, Scaling limits of random normal matrix ensembles at the soft edge, 2019 KMS Spring Meeting, Kangwon National University, Korea.

  14. Apr. 18, 2019, Random normal matrix ensembles with a soft edge of spectrum, Analysis seminar, KIAS, Korea.

  15. Jun. 30, 2018, On insertion of a point charge in the random normal matrix model, 2018 KWMS 14th International Conference, KIAS, Korea.

  16. May 17, 2018, Bulk scaling limits of random normal matrix ensembles near singularities, Probability seminar, POSTECH, Korea.

  1. Apr. 21, 2018, On insertion of a point charge in the random normal matrix model, 2018 KMS Spring Meeting, Kyung Hee University, Korea.

  2. Sep. 26, 2017, Bulk scaling limits for random normal matrix ensembles near singularities, WIMSIC Conference 2017: Celebration of Women in Australian Mathematical Sciences, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.

  3. Aug. 15, 2017, Bulk scaling limits for random normal matrix ensembles near singularities, Analysis seminar, Lund University, Sweden.

  4. Aug. 10, 2017, Bulk scaling limits for random normal matrix ensembles near singularities, Workshop: Analysis Near the Pole, Longyearbyen, Norway.

  5. Jun. 23, 2017, Bulk scaling limits for random normal matrix ensembles near singularities, 2017 KWMS 13th International Conference, POSTECH, Korea.

  6. Apr. 20, 2017, Microscopic densities near bulk singularities in the random normal matrix model, Several complex variables seminar, Seoul National University, Korea.

  7. Apr. 18, 2017, Scaling limits in the random normal matrix model with bulk singularities, Probability seminar, KAIST, Korea.

Poster Presentations

  1. Apr. 8-12, 2019, On insertion of a point charge in random normal matrix models, Conference: Integrability and Randomness in Mathematical Physics and Geometry, CIRM, France.

  2. Mar. 11-15, 2019, On insertion of a point charge in random normal matrix models, Researchschool: Coulomb Gas, Integrability and Painleve Equations, CIRM, France.

  3. May 8-12, 2017, Bulk scaling limits for random normal matrix ensembles near singularities, Geometry, Analysis and Probability in Honor of Peter W. Jones, KIAS, Korea.

  4. Nov. 27, 2015, Edge universality of the spectral radius for random normal matrix ensembles, The 11th HU and SNU Symposium on Mathematics, Seoul National University, Korea.