Google Makes a Number of SEO Updates till 2022

Google has made a number of SEO updates this year. The first was the Allegra update which affected LSI and "sandbox" in search engine rankings. It was designed to reduce spam. Implemented by Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, this change cleaned up spammy blog comments and links. Although the change did not have a large impact on the traditional algorithm, it did have a big impact on the way search engines display results.

Another major update from Google came at the end of May. This update was designed to prevent domains from dominating entire pages of search results. It was the first official update of 2013 and affected just over one percent of queries. It also introduced the Knowledge Graph, which added supplemental information to certain queries. For example, celebrities' Wikipedia pages now show an excerpt from their page.

Another significant update was the Google Penguin update. This change improved the algorithm's ability to filter spammy search queries and penalized websites with excessive advertising above the fold. Although the update had a moderate impact on search results, it was a wake-up call to the industry. It also reinforced the importance of content quality.

A Google update in March had the potential to negatively impact websites. Although the company did not reveal the specific changes made to its algorithm, it did provide information on how to improve rankings. While it was a small update, it affected certain niches, including the health industry. It also had the unfortunate side effect of earning the nickname "Medic Update" because it affected websites in this industry. However, Google has stated that this was not an intentional action and that no medical websites had been specifically targeted.

Another major change was the introduction of Google's "Suggest" feature. This feature displays suggested search queries below the visitor's keyboard. It also powers Google Instant, a search engine that is similar to Amazon's "instant" feature. Google also introduced a new web indexing system known as Caffeine, which aimed to improve results and make them fresher.

As the Internet grows increasingly mobile, so does Google's mobile algorithm. Mobile-friendly websites will continue to receive their fair share of SERP rankings. The mobile-first trend continued into 2016 with Google making web content more accessible on smartphones and tablets. In 2017, Google made search results more informative by increasing the length of the snippet.

Google has also introduced a number of algorithmic updates. In Hummingbird, Google used conversational language processing and location-based human intent. It improved local searches and rewarded local businesses that have established organic presences. Pigeon, in turn, built on Hummingbird's work, improved the local search experience by using location data to enhance searches. The result was an improved Google SERP. However, it is important to remember that there are still a number of Google updates, and they are often overlooked.

Google updates its algorithm constantly. The most recent update came earlier this year, and it aimed at improving the user experience. The update also lowered the amount of irrelevant results by 40%. The new algorithm also improves the quality of search results. While the algorithm changes are not a new thing, Google recommends that all SEO practitioners stay informed about them to stay ahead of the curve.