Digital Marketing Service

What is Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing? Digital marketing is a mix of art, science and technology used to reach out to prospective customers and convince them to purchase the product or service being marketed. Digital marketing includes one-way communication like emailers and SMS/text campaigns as well as two-way mediums like blogs, social media networks, videos, and reviews on online shopping portals.

Digital Marketing refers to marketing businesses and products by employing internet technologies. The three major digital strategies include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), Facebook Advertising and Social Media Optimization (SMO).

The India Interactive Digital Marketing event is an annual three-day learning extravaganza for students and working professionals alike, where the primary focus will be on harnessing the power of the Internet to market your products and services. The event will feature workshops, live demonstrations, as well as inspirational talks from industry experts about how companies and organizations can harness the power of social media, mobile messaging, mobile commerce, and other interactive digital technologies including online advertising and video to grow their business.

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India Interactive is a Digital Marketing and Google Partner agency in AGRA, India. We offer high quality solutions to help companies grow their business on the web. We take pride in being a creative force, providing cost effective digital marketing solutions to all type of businesses across different industries. Our skilled team of well-trained, strategically experienced digital experts have helped clients in diverse fields including e-commerce, retail, manufacturing, real estate etc grow their online presence.

1 Pay-per-click advertising

In short, every time a user clicks on your ad, you must pay for the click. This is the easiest and fastest way to get website traffic. Traffic received through this method is not considered organic traffic.

Nevertheless, the use of PPC advertising is still very important, because SEO takes time to attract organic traffic.

2 Website Marketing

Your website is one of the biggest marketing assets, helping your potential customers find what they want and make the final purchase.

The average buyer spends a lot of time on the website before making the final purchase decision. Your responsibility is to provide a great user experience and make your customers stay on your website longer. They should easily find information about the products and services they need.

Your website represents your business, so make sure to leave a good impression on your visitors.

When creating a website, remember the graphics, design and overall layout of your website. Make sure it is mobile friendly, because this is where most consumers are.

3 Content Marketing

Content marketing occupies an important position in the digital marketing world. No matter what online marketing strategy you use, without content marketing, you will not be able to build a customer base, brand and attract target audiences to be interested in your business.

Basically, content marketing promotes your business by interacting with customers and persuading them to make a purchase. Some forms of content marketing include: videos, testimonials, e-books, podcasts, infographics, blog posts, social media articles, and the list goes on.

All of these may help to be part of your digital marketing campaign and thus help build awareness of the business among consumers.

4 Social media marketing

Social media is one of the most popular and effective forms of digital marketing. The revolutionary changes that social media brings to corporate marketing are unparalleled.

With the continuous growth of global social media users, it is incredible how much exposure your business can get. With all consumer behavior data, you won't spend a lot of money for successful marketing.

Read blog posts about how social media is changing marketing to understand and consider social media marketing for your business.

Social media is your golden ticket to promote products and services, and you can keep in touch with your potential customers on the platform and spend most of your time on these platforms. In addition to providing customer service, you can also use social media to run campaigns, contests, create creative and engaging content, or even become viral.

5. Email marketing

According to Forbes, an average person checks mail 15 times a day, but the number may be even higher.

Email marketing may not be the main source of new business opportunities for your business, but email marketing is often used as a form of communication with customers who like your services or products and choose to subscribe to your business updates.

Through email marketing, the chances of successfully attracting loyal customers and continuing to buy back from you will increase. Most businesses use email marketing to send weekly news, promotional information, and updates about their products and services.

6. Affiliate Marketing

This form of marketing includes setting up a brand ambassador for your company to help interact with potential consumers, and recommending services or products for your company for commission or remuneration.

You can even reach out to influencers and successful people in the field of digital marketing and pay them to promote your business to a large audience.

A better understanding of how each part of digital marketing contributes to your business will help you determine the structure of digital marketing to create and execute.


Create an online presence. The first steps to increase your profit via digital marketing is to have an online presence. ...

  • Social media marketing. ...

  • Pay Per Click (PPC) ...

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ...

  • Video content. ...

  • Focus on mobile marketing. ...

  • Email marketing. ...

  • Content generation.

  • Facebook Advertising