How do you rank an image on Google?

First and foremost, if you were to target a term such as "Image SEO King," which has little to no search volume, you would need to make certain that the title, alt text, file name, and any exif data were all filled out correctly. In contrast, you can perform a Google search and use a Chrome extension such as SEO Meta to quickly see what the competition is doing with their images in a single click. You'll be surprised to learn that many people are not optimising their images to their full potential.

Does the size of the image matter for Image SEO?

Some people believe that larger images will be picked up by Google Discover, so it all depends on what you are trying to achieve. You should make every effort to optimise your images in every way possible. Just to be clear, if your image is 3000kb and everyone else's is 70kb and has been compressed, I believe you will be significantly behind. Once again, look at the image sizes of what's currently ranking, rather than statements and figures that are posted at random on the internet.

Which websites Can i use for Image SEO?

If you want to leverage the power of the platform, you could post your image on Twitter, but there are many other options available. You want one that allows you to edit the title and alt text of the image and optimise what you can on the platform.

Some other websites that you might want to consider utilising because of the sheer power of their platforms are as follows:



Is WebP better than JPEG?

Case studies have been conducted by professionals in the industry, and the data suggests that WebP file sizes are 24-34 percent smaller than Jpegs and that WebP is becoming increasingly popular in the industry.