Sentinel-2 data is tiered by level of pre-processing. Level-0, Level-1A and Level-1B data contain raw data from the satellites, with little to no pre-processing. Level-1C data is surface reflectance measured at the top of the atmosphere. This is processed using the Sen2Cor algorithm to give Level-2A, the bottom-of-atmosphere reflectance (Obregn et al, 2019). Level-2A data is the most ideal for research activities as it allows further analysiswithout applying additional atmospheric corrections.

The Sentinel-2 User Guide provides a high-level description of the MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI), its coverage and acquisition, and available product levels. The User Guide also provides information on the relevant applications of the instrument, the format of the products and the software tools required to interpret the data. This information has been harmonised for all the SENTINEL missions and can be accessed under each category via the User Guides panel on the right of each instrument User Guide page.

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More serious is that neither with ArcMap nor with Pro, I can bring the data to a mosaic dataset. When creating the mosaic dataset, I use the product definition "Sentinel 2 MSI", but later, when trying to add the Sentinel 2 level 2A data, rasters are found but not added. It seems that only Sentinel 2 level 1 data are supported, which is a serious drawback.

Does anyone know a) if this is a general lack (level 2 not supported), or if it is my specific problem?, b) if there is a workaround to open the 20m data in Pro (sure, I can open an individual 20m band as jp2 layer in panchromatic, but that does not help, I need a multispectral layer), c) how I can bring all bands at all resolutions to a mosaic dataset?

Some sentinels have become corrupted and appear to follow similar goals as their uncorrupted counterparts, but with a more radical solution. They most commonly appear on corrupted planets but can also be found near dig sites and attacking settlements. They are uncommon in creative mode.

To end the war between the Dominion, the Sentinels, and the Alliance, the then enslaved Korvax 'injected' the breeding pools of the Gek with their nanites. This forced the First Spawns to work for the Atlas and its loyal Aerons. During their short conflicts, the Gek quickly came to realize that these sentinels were far more vicious than they themselves. They are so powerful that even the more intellectual entities such as the Korvax started to worship them and deemed the Aerons to be the rule-keepers among the galaxy in the name of their god Atlas. While the Sentinels are still at war with the Vy'keen Alliance, they also still seek to eliminate anomalous entities such as renegade Gek and non-convergent Korvax lifeforms. This forced Nada and Polo to permanently be on the run and was another root cause for Polo's continued interest in studying the Sentinels.

It is possible that those are the rogue sentinels which annihilated all life in their respective multiverses and had to be deleted by the Atlas Protection Program 'Telamon' in return. It is likely Telamon used some sentinels to fight the corrupted ones, before giving the order to wipe the universe clean. Similar behaviour can be seen in No Man's Sky, as some branches of sentinels are overly aggressive, although for now only to foreigners, especially the player who is accompanied by the Telamon AI as their guide.

Additional pieces of lore can be gathered from the sentinel pillars added in the Sentinel update. According to the new lore, sentinels were initially invisible pieces of program recording, sorting and deleting things directly from within the code of the simulation. They started to fail from the moment the Atlas decided to give them physical form, from a lack of new instructions.

The sentinels were close to the Korvax and Korvax Prime from the beginning, as they were all machine lifeforms. Korvax Prime, the planet itself, was an AI similar to the Atlas within the simulation, and over multiple universes, it has been destroyed over and over again. The cries of the planet could only be heard by the sentinels, and upon it's destruction, Korvax Prime became the entity known within the lore as "The Abyss" or "The Void Mother".

Over time, a few sentinels decided to retaliate, and started attacking Vy'keen and Gek attempting to damage the planet. Upon seeing that the Atlas didn't do anything to prevent or punish this behaviour, the Sentinels decided that they would change and become more aggressive. They cut themselves from Telamon, cut themselves from the Atlas, and over centuries, became the sentinels we know today, attacking anyone trying to damage the planets, as it reminds them of the murder of Korvax Prime. They also transferred their blood, nanite clusters, to the Korvax so that they would fight back against their oppressors.

Background information has been found within abandoned structures on 'Derelict' consoles. These belong to a race that was active before the Vy'Keen, but were annihilated during a war with the sentinels. This information describes the inability of any race to ever truly destroy enough of the Sentinels to eliminate them, and alludes to the mystery of how they are produced.

The sentinels seem to have an ulterior motive other than protecting the planets. To begin with, the reason they protect world so vehemently is because it is a reminder of the destruction and "murder" of Korvax Prime, the sentient home planet of the Korvax. Their end goal is to earn some form of freedom from the simulation, and apparently requires that they contaminate all the water in the universe with nanites to update and change every life form from within.

Each planet has one of three types of Sentinel behaviour that determines where Sentinels can be encountered and how they will react to the player. This activity level can be determined by a scan from the player's Starship while in space. On a planet with Low or High Sentinel Activity, Sentinels only react to players when witnessing them violate a universal law (as listed below under Sentinel Alerts). On planets with Aggressive Sentinels, Sentinels will attack as soon as they recognise the player.

Once a player has landed on a planet, the Sentinel behaviour type is described by an adjective, which is recorded in the player's Discoveries tab. For each activity level, these adjectives are listed in the following table (along with an example planetary scan tool-tip).

Violating their laws, damaging the Sentinels directly, or being seen by Aggressive Sentinels will cause nearby Sentinels to attack the player and increase the player's Wanted Level (represented by a red diamond inside a black square). Wanted level ranges from 1 to 5 and is separated into 'PWL' on planets and 'SWL' in space, indicated in the top right corner of player's HUD. At higher Wanted Levels, the Sentinel response is accordingly more severe. In addition, High activity sentinel planets will produce a more severe response. Once all the Sentinels from the current Wanted Level are defeated, the Wanted Level is increased by 1, and the next wave of Sentinels is sent after a delay if the player doesn't avoid detection (see below under Avoiding Detection). Here are some examples of what a player will encounter at each level:

If a player provokes a Sentinel on a planet, the usual way to disengage from combat is to flee and avoid detection by Drones until they give up the search. As of the Sentinel update, Sentinels should still detect you inside caves and buildings, although it is still difficult for them to follow you in narrow spaces. You can dig a hole using your Geology Cannon or Terrain Manipulator. It's best to make an L-shaped hole, since Drones can spot you from overhead, and may fly into your dugout. Alternatively, maintaining some distance from the Drones; landing and exiting the starship and running while they catch up can cause the sentinels to scan your ship and hover around it rather than searching for the player, possibly registering the ship itself as the threat.

After 20+ (wanted level x 10) seconds of evasion, Drones will be "deactivated" and return to their passive behaviour. However, Quadrupedal and Bipedal Sentinels act differently. After deactivation, they will wander around the terrain and simply make noises. In this state, they are passive, and will only attack when attacked or the Sentinel force is alerted once more.

Disengaging from combat with Sentinels in space is much more difficult. While Sentinel starships are present or arriving in at most 7 seconds, the player starship's Pulse Engine is jammed and the player is unable to access the Galaxy Map; additionally, Sentinel starships will relentlessly follow players, even into the atmospheres of planets. Entering a freighter or space station is a good way to reset the player's space wanted level back to 0. You can also lose Sentinel starships by flying in one direction while boosting. Entering a planet's atmosphere prevents additional waves from spawning in for the duration, but does not reduce the player's space wanted level. Landing on a planet will set the players PWL equal to their SWL (usually at a minimum of PWL 2.) The player can disengage as normal after being detected by the ground Sentinels. If the player can move far enough away from pursuing Sentinels, the alert will be cancelled immediately, cutting short the evasion timer.

As of the sentinel update, a cloaking device has been added as a secondary module for multitools. This cloaking device allows the user to temporarily become invisible. This time can be used to either avoid detection from aggressive sentinels, or flee a scene in order to let the wanted level go down

Note: This is not an end-game build guide, this is a "How Brewshock84 leveled an Acid Aegis Sentinal guide. There are a plethora of resources on this forum for end-game guides and farming. I am only leading you to water here. If I continue to play around and test eng-game with it, I will add a section for it. e24fc04721

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