4th Sector


Official ventures Registry of the Sensorica OVN


Fourth (4th) Sector is a space for experimentation with new organizational and economic models. 

People organize in open networks, using the Internet to communicate and coordinate actions on the ground. Open networks are not co-ops, non-profits, nor Inc-s, they don't have managers and bosses, don't operate out of head offices, they are creatures of the 4th Sector

Open networks are new channels for latent social potential, but face insurmountable institutional barriers. These new types of organizations have real impact but their structure and governance are not recognized by our institutions, as if they didn’t exist. Moreover, open networks need better interfaces with traditional institutions. 

The Fourth Sector Rationale, a document produced by Sensorica. More on the OVN wiki.

partners and friends

Friendly communities

Active Ventures

If you are an affiliate you should have access to create ventures and contribute to existing ventures. Anyone has view access. 

dormant  Ventures

If you are an affiliate you should have access to create ventures and contribute to existing ventures. Anyone has view access. 

Past Events