SPELD Intervention Programme

Specific Learning Difficulties Intervention with

Individual Educational Plan

6 month intervention with a 100% success rate so far

5 - 10 YO

MON - FRI 2pm - 6pm

Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and other specific learning disabilities and disorders, (you can read about them everywhere) are all names for one problem...that is, your child is not doing well in school because they are not able to decode our English reading system. In other words, they can't read and spell. Thus, they fail in exams and assessments, and later, are given a label after just a couple hours of evaluation.

Suddenly, everyone starts to look at your child differently. "So, there's something different in that brain, no wonder they can't do this or that."

What's next? Just like when you're diagnosed with some kind of disease, parents start to get on the hunt for the best cure, looking for the most qualified therapist, intervention or psychologist in the most impressive buildings, and finding the school or center that seems to know everything about the label.

Most often, by the time money and resources have been exhausted, 3 years have passed, but the child still can't read and their self esteem is so low that they lack the ability to even try anymore.

We know that we are all shaped by our past experiences, and that is not the kind of childhood memories you would want your child to grow up with.

How many parents can understand that an overseas certification or impressive building structure, filled with foreigners and expensive bills, don't always guarantee better outcomes if they don't pay closer attention to their child and spend hours to understand their child's struggles?

Although we do not have all the things that most people look for, but we pride ourselves in having genuine concern for the well-being of your child and with that alone, we can get your child to begin reading in 3 months, and be fluent at it by 6 months.


This is the secret of our READING INTERVENTION PROGRAM

Which has been proven to work in 6 months.

We are believers and supporters of:

  • - *Human evolution*

  • - *Self betterment*

  • - *Happy kids learn best*

1.*Human evolution*- with technology, information is at our fingertips. We can learn anything we wish to on the internet. Children in this era have the ability to source and learn, as long as they are interested. Teachers are becoming obsolete. Therefore, we teach by luring children to learn themselves by inciting their interests.

With some basic ingredients:

  • Get them interested

  • Place them in a stress free and relaxed environment so they feel safe to ask and make and learn from mistakes

  • Have faith in them

  • Organize engaging and fun activities

2.*Self betterment* - We believe and trust that every human being wants to be better. If given the right environment and stimulation, and by removing all stressful events such as physical and emotional trauma, anyone will aim to strive and dare to dream bigger. This is regardless of any form of disability.

3.*Have faith in them* - Human beings have been proven to go beyond our imagination. Children of this new era see, hear, experience, and do way more than we have when we were at their age. We learned so much yet only started school at the age of 7. What about our children? We can't begin to imagine what goes on in the brains of our children, and we should not underestimate them just because we can't comprehend it. It's beyond our capability to determine what they are capable of. All research done on them are irrelevant by the time it's published. It's useless and will limit their growth if we insist to follow them.

This is an era of self expression and self discovery. But the same basic physical and emotional needs apply such as:

  • Food and shelter

  • Love and a sense of security, tolerance, and acceptance

Besides these, children need the freedom to explore the world.

4. Plus some *Extra ingredients*

  • Activities that promote eye teaming, visual spatial skills, visual zooming in, calming and grounding

  • Basic knowledge of letter sounds

  • A sound chart

  • A set of letter tiles

  • Lots of patience and laughter

  • Books of their interest

  • A notebook for writing

*There's no need*-

  • For a whole syllabus/program. Children will figure them out when the need arises.

  • To make them sit and do anything that is not interesting.

Try it out yourself, or send your child to us!

  • Our program begins at 2.00pm - 6.00pm daily.

  • 2.00pm - 3.30pm: Individual lesson plan/Homework/Assignments

  • 3.30pm- 4.00pm: Tea break/Cookery/Food challenge

  • 4.00pm - 4.30pm: Story/Journal Reading

  • 4.30pm - 5.00pm: Cognitive and Memory training

  • 5.00pm - 6.00pm: Social Play (Board Games, Body&Mind Match, Robotics, Yoga, Sensory/Craft).

  • Each child will go through an on-going assessment for about one to three months, for us to fully understand them, and to allow them to get to know us and our routine, in which they will eventually let down their guard, begin to trust us and show us their true self. Only then shall we begin our intervention specially designed for each and every one of them, based on what we have learned.

  • Parent-teacher conversations are an ongoing process anytime, any day, whenever there is time for face to face conversations, phone calls or Whatsapp messages. Parents are encouraged to highlight for us any new concerns as children go through psychological and emotional transformations.

  • Videos and pictures that we managed to capture daily will be exchanged weekly to update and showcase actual happenings and learning moments that took place.

Talk to our children's parents. or watch this video

Call now 010-2313 401