Kindy Home Skool Support

Are you happy with the online E-learning solution provided by your kindergartens?

Do you wish you knew how to prepare your child for formal school?

Do you want to give your child a happy childhood experience, or memories of an overly concerned parent?

Are you assuming that they will learn by themselves as they grow?

Don’t. because It is so much harder to mould them when they have developed and accustomed to their way of thinking.


Call 010-2313 401

SENSE International Canadian PRESKOOL Curriculum.

Where every child is taught explicitly.

  • Twice a week, three hours each, we will do assessments, revisions, and teach your child one-on-one on the topic following our SENSE International Canadian PRESKOOL Curriculum.

(This program is also incorporated into our SENSE Day care program.)

  • Your child will go home with work to practice independently, I stress, INDEPENDENTLY at home. accompanied by your smile and encouraging gaze.

  • Your child must master the skills/concepts before moving to the next level on his/her own pace with a strong foundation of Reasoning skills, Writing skills, Early math, Phonetic awareness and a love for reading and learning.

  • You must ensure your child has a fixed schedule for learning, and for the parent(s) to read a book by their side, to show a good example.

  • You must not give them any answers but trust them that they have the ability to figure it out themselves. If they still can't think it through yet, let them put down their best answer.

These are all our real students happily doing homework at home

Let’s prevent closed mindsets, task completing, average, conforming thinking, robot like, confused and depressed youngsters together.

Talk to our children's parents. or watch this video

Call now 010-2313 401