Meeting Agendas

Meeting on 10/12/2017

  • Discuss the specific tracking technology that will be used.
  • Review design constraints
  • Critique sketches


  • Discussed ways to optimize battery usage with cellular data
  • Verified the correct GSM module that will work with our arduino


  • Talked about using bluetooth in conjunction with GSM and making sure there wouldn't be any conflicts
  • Inquired about the differences between SIM808 and SIM800; ended up going with SIM808 because its more versatile


  • Confirmed that our prototype could be easily downsized (prototype is large and needs to be smaller for actual use)
  • Chatted about what we might need to know regarding iOS apps and the language they use; they recently started using SWIFT for iOS apps


  • Showed him our final concept for the design and made sure we tied up all loose ends before moving forward
  • Talked about which components would be most easy to downsize first
  • Discussed different ways we could expand the design for other use cases (e.g. airport luggage, cars, etc)