DelDOT Kings Highway Capital Plan

Kings Highway Improvements - This project includes major improvements to the stretch of Kings Highway from Dartmouth Drive to Freeman Highway, including roadway widening, five roundabouts, and multimodal upgrades for shared-use paths and sidewalks. DelDOT has been working with Delaware Greenways and business owners. “They asked us to bring in a national consultant to just look at what we proposed based on the master plan and our concept design,” Hastings said. “We’ve done that, and work is underway with their review and recommendation.” Hastings said she hopes to have the consultant’s report this spring. Additional public outreach will happen after that. “The hope is we will have consensus and be able to move forward with design. The schedule is a little different than we had originally proposed, but we feel like it’s important to make sure we get the decision-making right up front, so we can rock and roll through design.” 

KH DelDOT Flyer Final 02202024.pdf

Important Links:

DelDOT Kings Highway Projects Portal

Public gets another look at Kings Highway plan - CG 2/23/2024

DelDOT Kings Highway Portal Updated with 2024 CHHS Workshop Materials 2/21/2024:  DelDOT held a public workshop for the Kings Highway project on February 20, 2024 at Cape Henlopen High School from 4-7 PM in the main cafeteria area.  See Important Links below for workshop details

Historic Lewes Byway Workshop Flyer 2/20/2024

Historic Lewes Byway Committee supports Kings Highway Plan - CG  2/16/2024

DelDOT Kings Highway Workshop Notice - Tuesday, February 20th, 4-7pm

Delaware Roundabouts - Delaware Department of Transportation

DelDOT Video with Shante Hastings discussing roundabouts

DelDOT Kings Highway Display Boards from February 2022 presentation

This site and the information contained are managed by Jay Tomlinson, Please direct questions about the website and content to Jay Tomlinson.  Please email idnentified inaccuracies, mis-statements and corrections to Jay Tomlinson.