Invited Speakers

Jennifer Culbertson

Culbertson is a Reader in the School of Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Sciences and Director of the Centre for Language Evolution at the University of Edinburgh. Her research focuses on using behavioral experiments and computational models to better understand whether and how human cognition shapes language. Recent work has investigated the role of learning biases in explaining cross-linguistically common patterns of word and morpheme order, person pronoun paradigms, and case marking systems.


Twitter: @drculbertson

Andrea E. Martin

Andrea E. Martin is a Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and a Principal Investigator at the Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging at Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Her research focuses on language processing in the mind and brain, and has spanned from the role of memory in sentence comprehension to the processing of structural and semantic aspects of language. Her current focus is on developing a model of language representation and processing that harnesses the computational power of neural oscillations, such that formal properties (viz., compositionality) can be realized in biological and artificial neural networks. She holds a BA in Cognitive Science from Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts, and an MA and PhD in Experimental Psychology from New York University. She was a postdoc at the Basque Centre on Cognition, Brain, and Language, a lecturer in Psychology at The University of Edinburgh, and a senior investigator in the Psychology of Language Department at the MPI. She has led two independent research groups, one at the University of Edinburgh funded by the ESRC (2012-2017) and the present group “Language and Computation in Neural Systems” funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research and the Max Planck Gesellschaft. Her website is; twitter at @andrea_e_martin.