SEMPS16 at Surrey

Welcome from the organisers,

Andrea Prinsloo and Alessandro Torrielli

To attend this meeting either in person or via Zoom, please register by clicking the link below. Note that the Zoom meeting link will be distributed via email to registered participants only.


Daniele Farotti (University of Surrey)

Chiara Paletta (Trinity College Dublin)

Michelangelo Preti (King's College London)

Ingo Runkel (University of Hamburg)

Matteo Sacchi (University of Oxford)

DIRECTIONS: Please see these directions to the University of Surrey Stag Hill Campus. Please notice that the viability in front of the railways station has changed slightly in recent months and Google maps may not reflect these changes. The quickest way to get to Walnut Tree Close (if you are coming that way by foot) is by following the pedestrian signs outside the main entrance to the railways station, and then walk down a little slope into Walnut Tree Close. Please see below an old snapshot of the path - that has now been turned into a straight line but it works roughly the same.

VENUE AND COFFEE: The venue will be Lecture Theatre M (LTM). This is in the Lecture Theatre building. The coffee will be in the nearby Maths Department (4th floor of the Thomas Telford building, also called the AA building).

PARKING: Please note that parking on campus is rather tricky. Please drop us an email as soon as possible (address at the bottom of this page) if you would like to request a visitors parking disc.

CORONAVIRUS: Please see the University coronavirus page for the latest guidelines. The University encourages everyone to take regular tests before coming to campus.

MAIN PAGE: Please see the SEMPS main page.

PUB: The Britannia - Please find below a map to the train station.

for any queries: a dot torrielli at