Cartas para encontrar o Amor

"Cartas para encontrar o Amor" is the result of a collective experience that took place in the SARACVRA art space in July 2017, based on a proposition: to create an artist publication that would unfold in a portable and itinerant exhibition. In addition to the desire to create a work capable of expressing the uniqueness of each artist, the intention was to map the affectionate contours established between the group and the neighborhood of Gamboa, in the center of Rio de Janeiro.

Cognizant of intuition, the artists set out towards Praça da Harmonia, willing to create the most diverse connections with the surrounding space and allowing the specificity of their drifts to lead the production of the images. Guided by the stories and daydreams that the surroundings told us, we experienced demolition parks, prayers of longing, and processions of children. The set of cards that resulted from this foray works as a kind of memory game, in which no combination of cards is pre-established. On the contrary, the connections between the images and their possible meanings are the result of the eyes of those who are willing to play. To interact with the cards is also to update and recreate, in the most diverse arrangements; the initial drift.

The deck works like navigation cards, capable of (mis)guiding the most experienced of sailors and providing expeditions between the past and the future, as the combinations are free and the associations multiple. Ambiguous and slippery, the game is a strategy to translate the singular plurality of encounters, be it between artists and everything that is part of Praça da Harmonia, or between images and players. It is a device that reveals the kaleidoscopic nature of the process of perception.

Guilherme Veloso and Rebeca Rose

“Cartas para encontrar o Amor” is a portable publication / exhibition developed during the “Pocket Exhibition” workshop given by curator Paula Borghi in July 2017 at SARACVRA. Created by the artists _ Ana Biolchini, Lu Lessa Ventarola, Luiza Leite, Mariana Guimarães, Martha Niklaus, Mayer and curators Débora Seger, Guilherme Veloso, Paula Rodrigues and Rebeca Leandro. SARACVRA Edition

The work was shown at Saracvra, in Rio de Janeiro, at the UFF Center of Arts in Niteroi, at the Museum Murillo La Greca in Recife, and it was part of the Library of Love, by Artist Sandra Cinto at the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinatti, Ohio.

Cartas Para Encontrar o Amor at Saracvra

Library of Love at the Contemporary Arts Center