



Aleksandra Korzhenkova, Miércoles 10 de julio a las 16:15 horas

EPFL, Suiza

Limiting distributions of Spherical and Spin O(N) models: Appearance of GFF

Spherical model is a mathematical model of a ferromagnet introduced by Berlin and Kac in 1952 as a rough but analytically convenient modification of the Ising model. Since its inception it has enjoyed considerable popularity among the mathematicians and physicists as an exactly soluble model exhibiting a phase transition. In this talk we will explain its relation to the Gaussian free field in the infinite volume limit and to the spin O(N) model in the infinite spindimensionality limit of the latter. This talk is based on the joint work with Juhan Aru.

Eric Endo, Miércoles 3 de julio a las 16:15 horas

NYU Shanghai

Contour methods for -dimensional Long-Range Ising Model 

Rodrigo Basaez, Miércoles 26 de junio a las 16:15 horas

Universität Münster

Effective Mass of the Fröhlich Polaron: Recent Progress and Open Question


Chiranjib Mukherjee, Miércoles 29 de Mayo a las 16:15 horas 

Universität Münster, Alemania

Subcritical Gaussian multiplicative chaos in the Wiener space


Pablo López-Rivera, Miércoles 15 de Mayo a las 16:15 horas

Université Paris Cité, Francia 

On Wu's Inequality and the Poisson-Föllmer Process

In the discrete setting the Poisson distribution is a ubiquitous object, as the Gaussian distribution is in the Euclidean setting. In spite of that, it does not satisfy Gross’ log-Sobolev inequality. Nevertheless, Bobkov and Ledoux were able to prove that it satisfies a “modified” version of it, which was subsequently reinforced by Wu. In the first part of this talk we will exhibit a new stochastic proof of Wu’s modified log-Sobolev, via an entropy-minimizing process constructed by Klartag and Lehec, which we call the Poisson-Föllmer process. We will also see how this stochastic process gives a proxy to prove a stability result for Wu’s inequality.

In the second part of the talk, we will again use the Poisson-Föllmer process and the Malliavin calculus on the Poisson space to extend Wu’s inequality, via a transport proof, for ultra log-concave measures; i.e., discrete measures which are more log-concave than the Poisson distribution.

This is joint work with Shrey Aryan (MIT) and Yair Shenfeld (Brown).


Thierry Huillet, Miércoles 24 de Abril a las 16:15 horas 

Université de Cergy Pontoise, Francia.

On Bernoulli Trials with unequal harmonic success probability

A Bernoulli scheme with unequal harmonic success probabilities is investigated, together with some if its natural extensions. The study includes the number of successes over some time window, the times to (between) successive successes and the time to the first success. Large sample asymptotics, parameter estimation, and relations to Sibuya distributions and Yule–Simon distributions are briefly discussed. Stirling numbers play a key role in the analysis. This toy model is relevant in several applications including reliability, species sampling problems, record values breaking and random walks with disasters.


Luis Fredes, Miércoles 17 de Abril a las 16:15 horas 

Université de Bordeaux, Francia

Sharp large deviation principles for descents of random permutations


Gonzalo Contador, Miércoles 3 de abril 2024


Optimal methods for combining discrete p-values


Rodrigo Ribeiro, Miércoles 20 de Marzo 2024

University of Denver

Wandering Architects: The Dual Perspectives of Self-Creating Random Walks


In this talk, we will discuss a new class of random walks that create their own environments. This model can be viewed from different perspectives: as a random walk model or as a random graph model. We will explore both perspectives, discussing results related to the behavior of the walker as well as the structural properties of the environment created by it. The results include joint work with János Englander (University of Colorado Boulder), Giulio Iacobelli (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), and Gábor Pete (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics).


Nicolas Champagnat, Martes 19 de Marzo 2024


Convergence to quasi-stationary distribution in Monge-Kantorovich distance


 Roberto Cortez, Miércoles 6 de Diciembre 2023

Universidad Andrés Bello

SIR model with social gatherings


FitzHugh-Nagumo equations have been suggested in 1961 to model neurons. Stochastic versions of these equations have since been developed. A specificity of these SDE is a cubic term in the drift. With Pierre Le Bris, we have studied the behavior of a network on N neurons, interacting with each other, when N tends to infinity. We prove an uniform in time propagation of chaos in a mean-field framework, with a coupling method suggested by Eberle (2016). During this talk, I will present this model and the idea of the method. 


Jorge Laval, Miércoles 22 de Noviembre 2023

Georgia Tech,

Fluctuaciones KPZ del flujo de tráfico vehícular: Escalamiento de la congestión vehicular


We consider a class of general SDEs with a jump integral term  driven by a time-inhomogeneous random Poisson measure. We propose a Euler-type scheme for this SDE class and prove an optimal rate of convergence for the L^p. One of the primary issues to address in this context is the approximation of the noise structure when it can no longer be expressed as the increment of random variables. We extend the Asmussen-Rosinski approach to the case of a three-parameters jump coefficient and time-dependent Lévy measure, handling contribution of jumps smaller than epsilon with an appropriate Gaussian increment and exact simulation for the large  jumps contribution. For any p <= 2, with hypothesis to control the L^p-moments of the process, we obtain a convergence rate of order 1/p confirmed by numerical experiments. We apply this model class for some anomalous diffusion model related to the dynamics of rigid fibres in turbulence.


 Leatitia Colombani, Miércoles 22 de Noviembre 2023

CMAP- École Polytechnique

Propagation of chaos in a network of FitzHugh-Nagumo


FitzHugh-Nagumo equations have been suggested in 1961 to model neurons. Stochastic versions of these equations have since been developed. A specificity of these SDE is a cubic term in the drift. With Pierre Le Bris, we have studied the behavior of a network on N neurons, interacting with each other, when N tends to infinity. We prove an uniform in time propagation of chaos in a mean-field framework, with a coupling method suggested by Eberle (2016). During this talk, I will present this model and the idea of the method. 


Paul Maurer, Miércoles 8 de Noviembre 2023

Université  Côte d'Azur,

On the strong convergence of the epsilon-EM scheme for time-inhomogeneous jump driven SDEs.


We consider a class of general SDEs with a jump integral term  driven by a time-inhomogeneous random Poisson measure. We propose a Euler-type scheme for this SDE class and prove an optimal rate of convergence for the L^p. One of the primary issues to address in this context is the approximation of the noise structure when it can no longer be expressed as the increment of random variables. We extend the Asmussen-Rosinski approach to the case of a three-parameters jump coefficient and time-dependent Lévy measure, handling contribution of jumps smaller than epsilon with an appropriate Gaussian increment and exact simulation for the large  jumps contribution. For any p <= 2, with hypothesis to control the L^p-moments of the process, we obtain a convergence rate of order 1/p confirmed by numerical experiments. We apply this model class for some anomalous diffusion model related to the dynamics of rigid fibres in turbulence.


Guillaume Mahey, Miércoles 25 de Octubre 2023

NSA Rouen-Université Bretagne Sud LITIS - IRISA

Wasserstein distance and proxies, application and statistics


The Wasserstein distance (WD) has been proven useful in many application of data science. However, as we will see, the WD suffers from two problems: its computational cost and the behaviour of its empirical approximation. In order to fixed this two problems a trend of work consists at using proxies of the WD, namely quantities that behave similarly but that have favorable computation and Statistics properties. We will introduce the most famous proxy called Sinkhorn divergence and recalled some of its strengths. Finally, we will introduce a new proxy we proposed,  study its topological and statistical properties.


Amal Taarabt, Miércoles 11 de Octubre 2023

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Dirac operators in a decaying random environment: dynamics and spectral statistics


We consider a one-dimensional discrete Dirac operator in a potential given by a family of i.i.d. random variables modulated by a decreasing envelope. In [1], we showed that these models exhibit a rich phase diagram in terms of their spectrum as a function of the rate of decay of the random potential, where the spectrum of the operator

• is absolutely continuous for fast decay,

• is pure point for slow decay,

• presents a spectral transition for critical decay.

We show dynamical localization in the sub-critical region by means of the fractional moments method and provide control on the eigenfunctions. We studied spectral statistics in [2], we show that, in the fast decay case, the rescaled spectrum of the operator converges to the clock process while for critical decay, it converges to the Schrödinger point process. In this way, we recovered the results of Kritchevski, Valkó and Virag established for the Anderson model. Our proof is based on the scaling limit of the Prüfer transform associated with the system and uses the monotonicity to deduce the convergence. In the slow decay, the spectral statistics are expected

to be given by a Poisson process. 

[1] O. Bourget, G. R. Moreno Flores, A. Taarabt, One-dimensional Discrete Dirac Operators in a Decaying Random Potential I: Spectrum and Dynamics, Mathematical Physics, Analysis

and Geometry, Volume 23, Article number 20, 2020.

[2] G. R. Moreno Flores, A. Taarabt, One-dimensional Discrete Dirac Operators in a Decaying Random Potential II: Clock, Schrödinger and Sine statistics, submitted.


 Pablo Groisman, Miércoles 27 de Septiembre 2023

Universidad de Buenos Aires

Selección de parámetro en las distancias de Fermat: entre la geometría y el ruido   


Las distancias de Fermat son métricas diseñadas para trabajar con conjuntos de datos (puntos en espacio euclídeo). En su versión empírica (microscópica) se definen siguiendo el modelo de percolación de primera pasada euclídea. La versión macroscópica (poblacional) determina una métrica que depende de la densidad de la que fueron sampleados los puntos. Este hecho hace que estas distancias resulten de utilidad para atacar varias tareas: clasificación, clustering, aprendizaje de topología (TDA), transporte óptimo y cálculo de baricentros de Wasserstein, son algunas de las que hemos encarado. Las distancias dependen de un parámetro que debe ser elegido. En esta charla veremos cómo estas distancias pueden ser usadas para determinar clusters tanto a nivel poblacional como empírico y daremos teoremas de consistencia. A su vez, usaremos este hecho para ganar intuición sobre cómo debe ser elegido el parámetro en cuestión. El estudio del comportamiento asintótico de estas distancias se traduce en problemas de percolación de primera pasada en diversos contextos, muchos de los cuales aún no podemos resolver.


 Sergio López, Miércoles 30 de Agosto 2023

Universidad Autónoma de México

Función de correlación de 2-puntos de la ecuación KPZ.

Calculamos la función de correlación de 2-puntos del crecimiento de la ecuación KPZ que empieza con un Browniano en la línea recta como condición inicial. Usando herramientas básicas de cálculo de Malliavin podemos calcular esta función en términos de la distribución annealed del punto final de un polímero aleatorio asociada a la ecuación de calor estocástica. También mostramos cotas superiores para tener independencia asintótica entre la condición inicial y la evolución al tiempo t. Esta charla está basada en un trabajo conjunto con  Leandro Pimentel (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 


 Derek Frydel, Miércoles 30 de Agosto 2023

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Entropy production of active particles:  contribution of inertia

This talk discusses the effect of inertia on the entropy production rate Π for all canonical models of active particles, for different dimensions and type of confinement. To calculate Π, the link between the entropy production and dissipation of heat rate is explored. By analyzing the Kramers equation in a stationary state, alternative formulations of Π are obtained. Exact results are obtained for particles in unconfined environment and in a harmonic trap. In both cases, Π is independent of temperature. In contrast, for active particles in 1D box, thermal fluctuations are found to reduce Π.


Nicolás Zalduendo, Miércoles 23 de Agosto 2023

Université de Lorraine,

The multi-type bisexual Galton-Watson branching process


The bisexual Galton-Watson process [Daley, '68] is an extension of the classical Galton-Watson process, but taking into account the mating of females and males, which form couples that can accomplish reproduction. Properties such as extinction conditions and asymptotic behaviour have been studied in the past years, but multi-type versions have only been treated in some particular cases. In this work we deal with a general multi-dimensional version of Daley’s model, where we consider different types of females and males, which mate according to a "mating function". We consider that this function is superadditive, which in simple words implies that two groups of females and males will form a larger number of couples together rather than separate. One of the main difficulties in the study of this process is the absence of a linear operator that is the key to understand its behavior in the asexual case, but in our case it turns out to be only concave. To overcome this issue, we use a concave Perron-Frobenius theory [Krause, '94] which ensures the existence of eigen-elements for some concave operators. Using this tool, we find a necessary and sufficient condition for almost sure extinction as well as a law of large numbers. Finally, we study the convergence of the process in the long-time through the identification of a supermartingale.


 Bruno Ziliotto, Miércoles 9 de Agosto 2023

CNRS, Université Paris Dauphine

Zero-sum random games on graphs 


We consider two adversary players that move in turn a token along the edges of some graph. Player 1 has to pay a random cost to Player 2 for each edge that is crossed by the token. We study the value of the game with average cost, when the duration goes to infinity, and establish a connection with oriented percolation.


Alejandro Ramírez, Miércoles 5 de Julio 2023

NYU Shanghai

Fluctuaciones KPZ de la ecuación estocástica del calor planar


Consideramos soluciones de la ecuación planar estocástica del calor interpretadas por medio de la integral de Skorokhod en la representación integral de Duhamel, ya estudiadas hasta el tiempo crítico dado por la mejor constante de la desigualdad de Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev por Nualart-Zakai (1989) y Hu (2002). Extendemos esta solución más allá del tiempo crítico por aproximaciones de Fourier convergentes en . Además, probamos que las fluctuaciones lejos del centro están dadas por la ecuación del calor estocástica en dimensión d=1. 

Esta charla se basada en un trabajo conjunto con Jeremy Quastel y Balint Virag.


 Julio Nava-Trejo, Miércoles 28 de Junio 2023

Universidad Autónoma de México

 Construcción lookdown a un modelo Moran con banco de semillas


En esta plática abordaremos un trabajo en conjunto con M.C. Fittipaldi (FC,UNAM) y A. Gonzáles Casanova (IMATE, UNAM, UC, Berkeley) en el cual estudiamos una representación alterna al modelo de Moran con Banco de semillas. Se mostrará que bajo la misma distribución inicial intercambiable ambos modelos son iguales en ley. Dicha construcción nos permitirá profundizar en el estudio del tiempo hasta el ancestro en común de una muestra de individuos (TMRCA). Adicionalmente traduciremos este resultado en el tiempo de fijación de un mutante en la población.


Manuel Cabezas, Miércoles 14 de Junio 2023

Pontificia Universidad Católica

Marchas aleatorias activadas críticas


El modelo de marchas aleatorias activadas (Activated Random Walks, ARW) es un sistema de partículas introducido con el fin de estudiar la criticalidad auto-organizada. Este consiste en una familia de partículas que se mueven aleatoriamente y que pueden dormirse espontáneamente, lo que detiene el movimiento. La interacción ocurre cuando una partícula activa visita a una durmiendo, lo que gatilla que la partícula dormida se active y continúe su movimiento. Este modelo presenta una transición de fase en términos de la densidad de partículas. Si hay muchas partículas la actividad en el sistema continúa de manera indefinida, mientras que si la densidad es baja la proporción de partículas activas decae a 0. En esta charla estudiaremos ARW's en dos casos límite que, si bien simplifican el modelo, a la vez permiten establecer resultados rigurosos en el punto crítico.


Bas Lodewijks, Miércoles 7 de Junio 2023

Université de Saint-Etienne

Super-linear preferential attachment with fitness


Preferential attachment models have been very popular and widely studied in the past 20-25 years, among other reasons for their ability to model real-world complex networks. In this talk we consider a model of randomly growing trees called super-linear preferential attachment with fitness. In this model, we start with a root labelled 1 with fitness (or vertex-weight) W_1, and at each step n \geq 2 new vertex n with fitness W_n (an i.i.d. copy of W_1) is introduced and connected to one vertex already present in the tree. Conditionally on the tree created so far (including the vertex-weights), vertex n connects to vertex i \in \{1,\dots,n\} with a probability proportional to f(\deg_{n-1}(i),W_{i}), where \deg_{n-1}(i) is the degree of vertex i in the tree of size n-1 created so far, and f is called the attachment function.

We focus on the case where f grows super-linear in the degree (its first argument). In particular, we shall discuss the two examples f(j,W)= Wj^p and f(j,W)=j^p+W (multiplicative fitness and additive fitness, respectively), where p>1 is a constant called the super-linear exponent. We will identify a phase transition in structural properties of the tree in terms of p and the vertex-weight distribution. We will also discuss conditions on the attachment function and the vertex-weight distribution such that this transition can be observed in the general super-linear case as well. 

Joint work with Tejas Iyer (WIAS Berlin).


Gregorio Moreno, Miércoles 24 de Mayo 2023

Pontificia Universidad Católica

Polímeros dirigidos en ambiente aleatorio a valores complejos


Consideramos un modelo de polímeros dirigidos en ambiente aleatorio a valores complejos sobre el árbol, introducido por Cook y Derrida y posteriormente estudiado por Derrida, Evans y Speer. El diagrama de fases del modelo presenta tres regiones, una de las cuales es causada por el efecto de las fases aleatorias y no se encuentra en el modelo con ambientes a valores positivos.

En este trabajo en colaboración con L. Medina Espinosa (UC), extendemos los resultados de Derrida, Evans y Speer a ambientes más generales y obtenemos una convergencia más fuerte hacia la energía libre. 


Alexander Drewitz, Miércoles 10 de Mayo 2023

Universität zu Köln

(Near-)critical percolation with long-range correlations on transient graphs


Percolation models have been playing a fundamental role in statistical physics for several decades by now. They had initially been investigated in the gelation of polymers during the 1940s by chemistry Nobel laureate Flory and Stockmayer. From a mathematical point of view, the birth of percolation theory was the introduction of Bernoulli percolation by Broadbent and Hammersley in 1957, motivated by research on gas masks for coal miners. One of the key features of this model is the inherent stochastic independence which simplifies its investigation, and which has lead to deep mathematical results. During recent years, the investigation of the more realistic and at the same time more complex situation of percolation models with long-range correlations has attracted significant attention.

We will exhibit some recent progress for the Gaussian free field with a particular focus on the understanding of the critical parameters in the associated percolation models. What is more, we also survey recent progress in the understanding of the model at criticality via its critical exponents as well as the universality in the local geometry of the underlying graph.

This talk is based on joint works with A. Prévost (U Cambridge) and P.-F. Rodriguez (Imperial College).

Francisco Silva, Miércoles 3 de Mayo 2023

Université de Limoges

Aproximación de juegos de campo medio de primer orden 

 Esta charla concierne la aproximación de juegos de campo medio de primer orden, o deterministas, introducidos por J.-M. Lasry y P.-L. Lions en el año 2007. Luego de introducir este tipo de juegos, nos concentraremos en la aproximación de la función valor de un jugador típico, elemento clave de la discretización del juego de campo medio. Esta última puede interpretarse como un juego de campo medio en tiempo discreto y espacio de estados finitos introducido por Gomes, Mohr y Souza en el año 2010. Luego de enunciar el teorema de convergencia principal, terminaremos la charla con algunos ejemplos numéricos. 


Armand Riera, Miércoles 26 de Abril 2023

Sorbonne Université

Exploraciones Métricas de Superficies Brownianas 


Las superficies brownianas son superficies aleatorias que emergen como límites de escala de grafos aleatorios de gran tamaño trazados sobre diversas superficies. Estas estructuras aleatorias son fractales y pueden clasificarse según su topología: esfera, plano, semiplano, etc. El propósito de esta charla es explicar cómo explorar estas superficies desde un enfoque métrico y discutir las implicaciones que surgen de este tipo de exploraciones. En particular, veremos que las superficies brownianas cumplen  propiedades de Markov espaciales, que evocan la propiedad de Markov clásica.

No se requieren conocimientos previos. El contenido de esta charla está basado en trabajos realizados en colaboración con Jean-François Le Gall.


Armand Bernou, Miércoles 19 de Abril 2023

Universita Roma 1

Beyond the mean-field limit : uniform in time estimates for the cumulants of the McKean-Vlasov and Vlasov Fokker-Planck systems. 


We consider particles in the torus, subject to binary, smooth interactions and Brownian perturbation, in the mean-field setting. Recently, Delarue and Tse (2021) obtained, using the master equation, a new proof of uniform in time propagation of chaos for this model. We will present how the combination of those techniques, and of the Glauber calculus introduced by Duerinckx (2021) to treat deterministic particle systems, allows one to control, uniformly in time, the cumulants of this system. We recover the expected order for the N-particle correlation functions, in some weak norm, which allows us to correct the mean-field limit and describe the fluctuations around it.

Joint work with Mitia Duerinckx (ULB-FNRS)


Yamit Yalanda, Miércoles 12 de Abril 2023

 Universidad de Chile

Máximo restringido de puentes brownianos no intersectantes. 


Para un sistema de N puentes Brownianos no intersectantes en [0,1] , se considera M(p,N) la altura máxima alcanzada por el camino superior en el intervalo [0,p] . Bajo un  reescalamiento adecuado, M(p,N) converge en distribución, a medida que, N converge a infinito a una familia de distribuciones que interpola entr e las distribuciones de Tracy-Widom para los Ensembles Ortogonales y Unitarios Gaussianos. También se sabe que, para N fijo,  M(1,N) se distribuye como el mayor valor propio de una matriz aleatoria extraída del Ensemble Ortogonal de Laguerre. En esta charla se dará una versión de estos resultados para M(p,N) con N fijo, mostrando que, cuando p converge a 0, M(p,N)/√p  converge en distribución al elemento de más a la derecha en un Ensemble Unitario Generalizado de Laguerre, que coincide con el mayor valor propio de una matriz aleatoria extraída del Ensemble Gaussiano Antisimétrico.


 Diederik van Engelenburg, Miércoles 29 de Marzo 2023

 University of Vienna

On the duality between height functions and continuous spin systems.  


We revisit the well known duality relation between integer valued height functions and spin systems with O(2) symmetry. 

We will apply some simple corollaries from this duality to transfer information from one model to the other.

First, we deduce a type of Gaussian domination for the height-function variance. 

Second, we deduce the monotonicity of this variance with respect to a natural temperature parameter. 

Finally, we show how ``delocalisation'' of planar height functions implies a so-called BKT phase transition in the dual (planar) spin models. 

This is based on joint work with Marcin Lis https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.08596 and perhaps https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00220-022-04550-3.


Jonas Arista, Miércoles 22 de Marzo 2023

Universität Bielefeld 

Matsumoto-Yor and Dufresne type theorems for a random walk on positive definite matrices 


We establish analogues of the geometric Pitman 2M−X theorem of Matsumoto and Yor and of the classical Dufresne identity, for a multiplicative random walk on positive definite matrices with Beta type II distributed increments. The Dufresne type identity provides another example of a stochastic matrix recursion that admits an explicit solution 


Karine Bertin, Miércoles 15 de Marzo 2023

 Universidad de Valparaíso

Estimación Adaptativa en Modelos de Regresión Funcional Asociado a Proceso de Wiener

 En esta charla, estudiaremos métodos de suavizamiento para estimar funciones no-paramétricas. Veremos cómo elegir los parámetros de suavizamiento con el objetivo de tener estimadores óptimos. Más específicamente, introduciremos el método de Goldenshluger-Lepski (2011) que permite obtener estimadores que se adaptan a la regularidad de la función. Mostraremos cómo extender este método en el caso de la regresión funcional donde la variable regresora es un proceso de Wiener. Definiremos una familia de estimadores para la función de regresión basándose en la descomposición de Wiener Itô de la función de regresión evaluada en el proceso de Wiener. Los estimadores obtenidos satisfacen una desigualdad de oráculo, son adaptativos y alcanzan velocidades de convergencia polinomial sobre clases de función específicas. 


Kosuke Yamato, Miércoles 15 de Marzo 2023

 Kyoto University

Existence of quasi-stationary distributions downward skip-free Markov chains


 I talk about existence of a quasi-stationary distribution for downward skip-free continuous-time Markov chains on non-negative integers stopped at zero. The scale function for these processes is introduced and the boundary is classified by a certain integrability condition on the scale function, which gives an extension of Feller's classification of the boundary for birth-and-death    processes. The existence and the set of quasi-stationary distributions are characterized by the scale function and the new classification of the boundary.


Joost Jorritsma , Miércoles 12 de Diciembre 2022

TU Eindhoven

 Distance evolutions in growing preferential attachment graphs


 In this talk we will study the evolution of the graph distance between two fixed vertices in dynamically growing random graph models. More precisely, we consider preferential attachment models with parameters such that the asymptotic degree distribution has infinite second moment. First, we grow the graph until it contains $t$ vertices, then we sample $u_t, v_t$ uniformly at random from the largest component and study the evolution of the graph distance as the surrounding graph grows. This yields a stochastic process in $t'\ge t$ that we call the distance evolution. We identify a function $f(t,t')$ such that there exists a tight strip around this function that the distance evolution never leaves with high probability as $t$ tends to infinity.

If time permits, we will consider the generalization of graph distance to weighted distance, in which every edge is equipped with an i.i.d. copy of a non-negative random variable $L$. For any such edge-weight distribution $L$, we obtain explicit asymptotic results: either the typical weighted distance at time $t$ tends to an almost surely finite random variable as $t$ tends to infinity, or the typical weighted distance at time $t$ diverges, in which case we identify a function $f_L(t,t')$ that describes the weighted-distance evolution for $t'>t$.

Based on joint work with Julia Komjathy. 


Oren Louidor , Miércoles 10 de Agosto 2022


 A limit law for the most favorite point of a simple random walk on a regular tree

 We consider a continuous-time random walk on a regular tree of finite depth and study its favorite points among the leaf vertices. We prove that, for the walk started from a leaf vertex and stopped upon hitting the root, as the depth of the tree tends to infinity the maximal time spent at any leaf converges, under suitable scaling and centering, to a randomly-shifted Gumbel law. The random shift is characterized using a derivative-martingale-like object associated with the square-root local-time process on the tree. Joint work with Marek Biskup (UCLA).


Theo Assiotis, Miércoles 23 de Noviembre 2022

University of Edinburgh

On some interacting particle systems related to random matrices 


The talk is about two types of interacting particle systems related to the classical ensembles of random matrices. The prototypical examples are Dyson Brownian motion (also called non-intersecting Brownian motions) and Brownian TASEP (also called Brownian motions with one-sided collisions/reflections) respectively. I will discuss explicit formulae for their distributions, their correlation functions and some non-trivial connections between the two types of interacting particle systems. The bulk of the talk will be mainly focussed on surveying results for the Gaussian/Brownian case.


Julio Backhoff-Veraguas, Miércoles 9 de Noviembre 2022

University of Vienna

 The Wasserstein-Martingale projection of a Brownian motion given initial and terminal marginals


In one of its dynamic formulations, the optimal transport problem asks to determine the stochastic process that interpolates between given initial and terminal marginals and is as close as possible to the constant-speed particle. Typically, the answer to this question is a stochastic process with constant-speed trajectories. We explore the analogue problem in the setting of martingales, and ask: what is the martingale that interpolates between given initial and terminal marginals and is as close as possible to the constant volatility particle? The answer this time is a process called ‘stretched Brownian motion’. After introducing this process and discussing some of its properties, I will present current work in progress (with Mathias Beiglböck, Walter Schachermayer and Bertram Tschiderer) concerning the fine structure of stretched Brownian motions. 


María Clara Fittipaldi, Miércoles 26 de Octubre 2022

Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México. 

 On Multitype Branching Processes with Interactions  


Motivated by the stochastic Lotka-Volterra model, we introduce continuous-time discrete-state interacting multitype branching processes (both through intratype and intertype competition or cooperation). We show that these processes can be obtained as the sum of a multidimensional random walk with a Lamperti-type change proportional to the population size; and a multidimensional Poisson process with a time-change proportional to the pairwise interactions. We define the analogous continuous-state process as the unique strong solution of a multidimensional stochastic differential equation. Finally, we prove that a large population scaling limits of the discrete-state process correspond to its continuous counterpart. In addition, we show that the continuous-state model can be constructed as a generalized Lamperti-type transformation of multidimensional Lévy processes. Joint work with Sandra Palau (IIMAS-UNAM, México).


Natalia Cardona-Tobón , Miércoles 12 de Octubre 2022

Institute of Mathematical Stochastics, University of Göttingen - Germany.

The contact process with fitness on Galton-Watson trees


The contact process is a simple model for the spread of an infection in a structured population. We consider a variant of the contact process, where vertices are equipped with a random fitness representing inhomogeneities among individuals. In this inhomogeneous contact process, the infection is passed along an edge with rate proportional to the product of the fitness values of the vertices on either end. We assume that the underlying population structure is given by a Galton-Watson tree. Recent works by Huang/Durrett and Bhamidi et al have given necessary and sufficient conditions on the offspring distribution for the classic contact process to exhibit a phase transition. In this spirit, we give sufficient conditions on the fitness and offspring distribution for the contact process with fitness on Galton-Watson trees that either guarantee that there is a phase transition or that the process is always supercritical. In particular, we can see that we need to consider the combined effect of fitness and offspring distribution to decide which scenario occurs. This is joint work with Marcel Ortgiese (University of Bath).  


Luis Fredes, Miércoles 21 de Septiembre 2022

Université de Bordeaux

Almost triangular Markov chains on ℕ

A transition matrix U on ℕ is said to be almost upper triangular if U(i,j)≥0⇒j≥i−1, so that the increments of the corresponding Markov chains are at least −1; a transition matrix L on ℕ is said to be almost lower triangular if L(i,j)≥0⇒j≤i+1, and then, the increments of the corresponding Markov chains are at most +1. In this talk I will characterise the recurrence, positive recurrence and invariant distribution for the class of almost triangular transition matrices. These results encompass the case of birth and death processes (BDP), which are famous Markov chains being simultaneously almost upper and almost lower triangular. Their properties were studied in 50's by Karlin & McGregor whose approach relies on some profound connections between the theory of BDP, the spectral properties of their transition matrices, the moment problem, and the theory of orthogonal polynomials. Our approach is mainly combinatorial and uses elementary algebraic methods. Joint work with J.F. Marckert. 


Santiago Saglietti , Miércoles 31 de Agosto 2022

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Scaling limit of the heavy-tailed ballistic deposition model with p-sticking 

 Ballistic deposition is a classical model for interface growth in which unit blocks fall down vertically at random on the different sites of  and stick to the interface at the first point of contact, causing it to grow. We consider an alternative version of this model in which the blocks have random heights which are i.i.d. with a heavy (right) tail, and where each block sticks to the interface at the first point of contact with probability  (otherwise, it falls straight down until it lands on a block belonging to the interface). We study scaling limits of the resulting interface for the different values of  and show that there is a phase transition as  goes from  to . Joint work with Francis Comets and Joseba Dalmau.  


Marco Aymone  , Miércoles 17 de Agosto 2022

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

 A random walk in Number Theory


Multiplicative functions play an important role in Analytic Number Theory. By multiplicative we mean that whenever positive integers and are coprime. Since the prime powers are the building blocks of multiplication, we have that a multiplicative function is completely determined by its values at these powers.

An important example that will be discussed in this talk is the Möbius function which is defined to be at primes and at powers bigger than of primes. For example, while . When we consider the partial sums of the Möbius function, we can see this as an “arithmetic random walk”, and naturally we can ask about the size of the fluctuations of this walk. Just as in the simple random walk in Probability theory, we expect square-root cancellation for these sums, but it turns out that to prove this is so difficult as to establish the Riemann Hypothesis (RH). Inspired by the square-root cancellation in the i.i.d. simple random walk, this equivalence of the sums of Möbius with RH led many authors to investigate statistical properties of . An important work is that of Wintner in the 40’s. He considered a question proposed by Lévy, and investigated the model of a random multiplicative function , which is nothing more than a multiplicative function where at primes, is an i.i.d. sequence of with probability 1/2 each. Wintner proved almost sure square-root cancelation for this multiplicative random walk, and later many authors investigated this problem from different perspectives. In this talk, my plan is to present what is known in the literature about these random functions and also to present my joint contribution at different papers with Vladas Sidoravicius, and with Winston Heap and Jing Zhao. 


Aline Duarte, Miércoles 10 de Agosto 2022

Universidade de Sao Paulo

Stochastic modeling of interacting neuronal systems


In this seminar I present some biological characteristics of neuronal systems and introduce stochastic models with infinite and variable length memory describing such characteristics. I will state some mathematical results for these stochastic models and speak about the future challenges involved in modeling neurobiological phenomena. 


Lisa Hartung  , Miércoles 15 de Junio 2022

University Mainz

 The speed of invasion on an advancing population   

 We derive rigorous estimates on the speed of invasion of an advantageous trait in a spatially advancing population in the context of a system of one-dimensional coupled F-KPP equations. The model was introduced and studied heuristically and numerically in a paper by Venegas-Ortiz et al. In that paper, it was noted that the speed of invasion by the mutant trait is faster faster when the resident population ist expanding in space compared to the speed when the resident population is already present everywhere. We use probabilistic methods, in particular  the Feynman-Kac representation, to provide rigorous estimates that confirm these predictions. Based on joint work in progress with A. Bovier. 


Pablo Groisman  , Miércoles 1 de Junio 2022

Universidad de Buenos Aires

El modelo de Kuramoto en grafos dinámicos aleatorios


En 1975 Yoshiki Kuramoto introdujo un -ahora famoso- modelo para estudiar el fenómeno de sincronización, que es ubicuo en la naturaleza y en procesos tecnológicos. Dicho modelo consiste de un sistema de N ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias que representan osciladores acoplados: 

d\theta_i/d t = w_i+ K/N*\sum sin(\theta_i-\theta_j).

Usualmente se consideran o bien frecuencias aleatorias  o bien todas iguales. Por su naturaleza de campo medio, a pesar de la alta no linealidad, el modelo puede ser resuelto exactamente y Kuramoto demostró una transición de fase en términos del parámetro K que mide el nivel de acoplamiento.

En general, se trata de entender si los osciladores se sincronizan o no. Se suelen considerar dos tipos de sincronizaciones: sincronización de frecuencias y sincronización de fases.

Si bien el modelo de campo medio está muy bien entendido, poco se sabe cuando se consideran otras topologías para la red que determina los acoplamientos.

Discutiremos una serie de propuestas en donde la conectividad de la red está dada por grafos aleatorios que además pueden variar en el tiempo y estudiaremos el fenómeno de sincronización en ese contexto.  


Daniel Remenik , Miércoles 18 de Mayo 2022

Universidad de Chile/ CMM

Solution of the polynuclear growth model


The polynuclear growth model (PNG) is a model for crystal growth in one dimension. It is one of the most basic models in the KPZ universality class, and in the droplet geometry, it can be recast in terms of a Poissonized version of the longest increasing subsequence problem for a uniformly random permutation. In this talk, we will show how the multipoint distributions of the model can be expressed through solutions of a classical integrable system, the two-dimensional non-Abelian Toda lattice. In the appropriate scaling limit, these solutions become solutions of the KP equation, an integrable dispersive PDE which arises in a similar way for the KPZ fixed point. The proof is based on a new Fredholm determinant formula for the transition probabilities of PNG with general initial data, which is built out of hitting probabilities of a continuous-time simple random walk, the invariant measure of the process. 


Elisabetta Candellero, Miércoles 02 de Mayo 2022

 Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma, Italia

Competition processes on hyperbolic non-amenable graphs 

 We consider two first-passage percolation processes, FPP_1 and FPP_\lambda, spreading with rates 1 and \lambda  respectively, on a graph G with bounded degree.  FPP_1 starts from a single source, while the initial configuration of FPP_\lambda consists of countably many seeds distributed according to a product of iid Bernoulli random variables of parameter \mu on the set of vertices.

This model is known as "First passage percolation in a hostile environment" (FPPHE), it was introduced by Stauffer and Sidoravicius as an auxiliary model for investigating a notoriously challenging model called Multiparticle Diffusion Limited Aggregation.  We consider several questions about FPPHE, focusing on the case where G is a non-amenable hyperbolic graph. This talk is based on joint works with Alexandre Stauffer.


Paul Dario, Miércoles 21 de Abril 2022

 Université Lyon 1, Lyon, Francia.

Tail bounds for detection times in Quantitative hydrodynamic limit and regularity for Langevin dynamics for gradient interface models. hyperbolic graphs 


Langevin dynamics for gradient interface models are important in statistical physics due to their connection with random surfaces. It is of particular interest to understand their behavior over large-scales. In this direction a number of results have been established in the last 20 years (including the hydrodynamic limit of Funaki-Spohn and the scaling limit of Naddaf-Spencer and Giacomin-Olla-Spohn). In this talk, we will present the model, its motivations and main results. We will study a connection with the stochastic homogenization of nonlinear equations, discuss some new results that can be deduced from this approach and as well as possible extension to degenerate potentials. This is joint work with S. Armstrong.


 Dieter Mitsche, Miércoles 06 de Abril 2022

 PUC, Santiago, Chile.

Tail bounds for detection times in mobile hyperbolic graphs 


Motivated by Krioukov et al.'s model of random hyperbolic graphs for real-world networks, and inspired by the analysis of a dynamic model of graphs in Euclidean space by Peres et al., we introduce a dynamic model of hyperbolic graphs in which vertices are allowed to move according to a Brownian motion maintaining the distribution of vertices in hyperbolic space invariant. For different parameters of the speed of angular and radial motion, we analyze tail bounds for detection times of a fixed target and obtain a complete picture, for very different regimes, of how and when the target is detected: as a function of the time passed, we characterize the subset of the hyperbolic space where particles typically detecting the target are initially located.

We overcome several substantial technical difficulties not present in Euclidean space, and provide a complete picture on tail bounds. On the way, we obtain also new results for the time more general continuous processes with drift and reflecting barrier spent in certain regions, and we also obtain improved bounds for independent sums of Pareto random variables. 

Joint work with Marcos Kiwi and Amitai Linker.


Jean Bertoin, Miércoles 23 de Marzo 2022

 University of Zürich, Zürich

  A simple model for an  epidemic with contact tracing and cluster isolation, and a detection paradox 


We determine the distributions of some random variables related to a simple model of an epidemic with contact tracing and cluster isolation, which is inspired by a recent work of Bansaye, Gu and Yuan. 

Notably,  we compute explicitly  the asymptotic proportion of isolated clusters with a given size amongst all isolated clusters, conditionally on survival of the epidemic.  Somewhat surprisingly, the latter differs from the distribution of the size of a typical cluster at the time of its detection; and we explain the reasons behind this seeming paradox. 


Felipe Campos, Miércoles 17 de Noviembre 2021

 University of California, San Diego

  Error Bounds for the One-Dimensional Constrained Langevin Approximation for Density Dependent Markov Chains

The stochastic dynamics of chemical reaction networks are often modeled using continuous-time Markov chains. However, except in very special cases, these processes cannot be analysed exactly and their simulation can be computationally intensive. An approach to this problem is to consider a diffusion approximation. The Constrained Langevin Approximation (CLA) is a reflected diffusion approximation for stochastic chemical reaction networks proposed by Leite & Williams. In this work, we extend this approximation to (nearly) density dependent Markov chains, when the diffusion state space is one-dimensional. Then, we provide a bound for the error of the CLA in a strong approximation. Finally, we discuss some applications for chemical reaction networks and epidemic models, illustrating these with examples. Joint work with Ruth Williams.


Elsa Cazelles, Miércoles 3 de Noviembre 2021

 Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse

   A novel notion of barycenter for probability distributions based on optimal weak mass transport 

We introduce weak barycenters of a family of probability distributions, based on the recently developed notion of optimal weak transport of mass. We provide a theoretical analysis of this object and discuss its interpretation in the light of convex ordering between probability measures. In particular, we show that, rather than averaging in a geometric way the input distributions, as the Wasserstein barycenter based on classic optimal transport does, weak barycenters extract common geometric information shared by all the input distributions, encoded as a latent random variable that underlies all of them. We also provide an iterative algorithm to compute a weak barycenter for a finite family of input distributions, and a stochastic algorithm that computes them for arbitrary populations of laws. The latter approach is particularly well suited for the streaming setting, i.e., when distributions are observed sequentially.


Hagop Tossounian, Miércoles 20 de Octubre 2021

 Centro de Modelamiento Matemático (Universidad de Chile)

   Entropic and Fisher-information chaos for a family of rescaled states


For a fixed probability measure f(x) and each N\geq 2, we introduce an exchangeable random variable obtained from rescaling Y (Law(Y)= f^{\otimes N}) to the sphere sum({x_j}^2) = N. It is known [2] that all the k-marginals of these processes converge weakly to f^{\otimes k},(a property known as chaoticity and used by Mark Kac [1]).

The aim of the talk is to show that the chaos property of this sequence of rescaled r.v. can be strengthened to entropic chaos and to Fisher-information chaos, under mild assumptions on f. 

This work is joint with Roberto Cortez and in preparation.

[1] M. Kac.  Foundations of kinetic theory.  In Proceedings of the Third

Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability,

1954–1955, vol. III, pages 171–197, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1956.

University of California Press

[2] Cortez, R., Tossounian, H. On a Thermostated Kac Model with

Rescaling. Ann. Henri Poincaré 22, 1629–1668 (2021). 


Antoine Jego, Miércoles 06 de Octubre de 2021

 University of Vienna

   Multiplicative chaos of the Brownian loop soup


On the one hand, the 2D Gaussian free field (GFF) is a log-correlated Gaussian field whose exponential defines a random measure: the multiplicative chaos associated to the GFF, often called Liouville measure. On the other hand, the Brownian loop soup is an infinite collection of loops distributed according to a Poisson point process of intensity \theta times a loop measure. At criticality (\theta = 1/2), its occupation field is distributed like half of the GFF squared (Le Jan's isomorphism).

The purpose of this talk is to understand the infinitesimal contribution of one loop to Liouville measure in the above coupling. This work is not restricted to the critical intensity and provides the natural notion of multiplicative chaos associated to the Brownian loop soup when \theta is not equal to 1/2.

Based on a joint work with É. Aïdékon, N. Berestycki and T. Lupu.



Manuel Cabezas, Miércoles 22 de Agosto de 2021

 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

   Lattice trees in high dimensions


Lattice trees is a probabilistic model for random subtrees of $\Z^d$. In this talk we are going to review some previous results about the convergence of lattice trees to the "Super-Brownian motion" in the high-dimensional setting. Then, we are going to show some new theorems which strengthen the topology of said convergence. Finally, if time permits, we will discuss the applications of these results to the study of random walks on lattice trees. Joint work with A. Fribergh, M. Holmes and E. Perkins.


Hubert Lacoin, 8 de Agosto de 2021


Existence of solution and localization for the SHE with multiplicative Lévy white noise


We consider the following stochastic PDE in

$$ \partial_t u = \Delta u + \xi \cdot u $$

where $u$ is a function of space and time.  The operator $\Delta$ denotes the usual Laplacian in $\mathbb R^d$ and $\xi$ is a space-time Lévy white noise. This equation has been extensively studied in the case where $\xi$ is a Gaussian White noise. In that case, the equation is well-posed only when the space dimension $d$ is equal to one.

In our talk, we consider the case where $\xi$ is a Lévy white noise with no diffusive part and only positive jumps. We identify necessary and sufficient conditions on the Lévy jump measure for the existence of a solution to the equation. We further discuss the connection between the SHE and continuum directed polymer models.Joint work with Q. Berger (Université de Paris) and C. Chong (Columbia)


Gregorio Moreno, 25 de Agosto de 2021

          Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile

   Ecuaciones de Burgers acopladas


Las ecuaciones de Burgers acopladas fueron introducidas en los años 90 en el estudio de interfaces aleatorias en física de materiales. Posteriormente, fueron utilizadas, entre otros contextos, como modelos de sedimentación y en magnetohidrodinámica. Matemáticamente, fueron estudiadas por Funaki y coautores desde el punto de vista de las distribuciones paracontroladas y por Gubinelli y Perkowski desde el punto de vista de las soluciones de energía.

En este trabajo, introducimos una discretización de estas ecuaciones que se puede entender como un sistema de modelos de Sasamoto-Spohn acoplados, con una ley de equilibrio explícita. Demostramos la convergencia de nuestro modelo a las soluciones de energía de las ecuaciones de Burgers acopladas en el régimen de asimetría débil.

Este es un trabajo conjunto con Ian Butelmann (UC). 


Felipe Muñoz, 23 de Junio de 2021

Universidad de Chile

   Approximation of a cross-diffusion system by repulsive random walks


Cross-diffusion systems are a class of partial differential equations used to describe the diffusion of populations showing local repulsion. In this talk we will consider a stochastic individual-based model evolving on a discrete space and we will show that we can obtain convergence to an object in the former class under suitable scales and conditions. The model takes into account two species, where each one is sensitive to the number of individuals of the other species through the individual rate of motion of the particles, this being proportional to the density of individuals on the same site. The approximation is valid when the number of sites and the number of individual per site go to infinity and furthermore we will see that it can be quantified.

This is a joint work with Vincent Bansaye and Ayman Moussa.  


Jonas Arista , 9 de Junio de 2021

  Universidad de Chile, CMM

   Non-intersecting paths in the plane, loop-erased walks and random matrices


Non-intersecting processes in one dimension have long been an integral part of random matrix theory, at least since the pioneering work of F. Dyson in the 1960s. For planar (two-dimensional) state space processes, it is not clear how to generalise these connections since the paths under consideration are allowed to have self-intersections (or loops). In this talk, we address this problem and consider systems of random walks in planar graphs constrained to a certain type of non-intersection involving their loop-erased parts (this is closely related to connectivity probabilities of branches of the uniform spanning tree). We show that in a suitable scaling limit in terms of independent planar Brownian motions, certain exist distributions also have connections with random matrices, mainly Cauchy-type and circular ensembles. This is joint work with Neil O’Connell.


Matthieu Jonckheere , 26 de Mayo de 2021

    Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET

   Discovering independent sets of maximum size in large sparse random graphs


Finding an independent set of maximum size is a NP-hard task on fixed graphs, and can take an exponentially long-time for optimal stochastic algorithms like Glauber dynamics with high activation rates. However, simple algorithms of polynomial complexity seem to perform well in some instances. We  studied the large graph characteristics of two simple algorithms in terms of functional law of large numbers and large deviations. We are especially interested in characterizing a phase transition on the "graph landscape", implying that some simple algorithms are asympotically optimal for low connectivity and suboptimal for high connectivity. Based on a joint works with David García-Zelada, Alon Nishry and Aron Wennman.


Hernán Mardones, 12 de Mayo de 2021

          Universidad de la Serena

   Solución numérica de sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas progresivas y regresivas


Raphaël Butez, 28 de Abril de 2021

                Université de Genève

  Universality of the outliers in weakly confined Coulomb gases in dimension 2


In the talk, we will study two particle systems with a strong conection to statistical physics: on one hand a class of Coulomb gases (model which describes the positions of electrons in dimension 2, attracted by a positive distribution of charges), and on the other hand zeros of random polynomials. For both models, it is known that most particules cluster in a compact set (the empirical measures converge), and we will study the existence of particles outside of this compact. We will see that these outliers converge towards a universal point process, called the Bergman point process, which presents some properties of conformal invariance.

Based on a joint works with David García-Zelada, Alon Nishry and Aron Wennman.


Luis Fredes, 14 de Abril de 2021

                    Université d'Orsay

  A new proof of Aldous-Broder theorem


The Aldous–Broder algorithm is a famous algorithm used to sample a uniform spanning tree of any finite connected graph G, but it is more general: it states that given a reversible M Markov chain on G started at r and up to the cover time, the tree rooted at r formed by the steps of successive first entrance in each node (different from the root) has a probability proportional to the product of these edges according to M, where the edges are directed toward r. In this talk I will present an extension to the non-reversible case and a new combinatorial proof of this theorem. Based on a joint work with Jean-François Marckert.


Nikolas Tapia, 31 de Marzo de 2021

                    Weierstraß Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics

  On the weak convergence rate of an exponential Euler scheme for SDEs governed by coefficients with superlinear growth


La clasificación de series de tiempo es una tarea recurrente en ciencia de datos. Usualmente, los datos son transformados de alguna forma para producir una representación concisa, preservando simetrías de interés. En esta charla, presentaré una serie de trabajos que describen cómo las sumas iteradas de una serie de tiempo contienen todas las cantidades (features) polinomiales invariantes bajo realinamiento temporal (time warping). Describiré también como se transforma esta representación bajo la aplicación de cierta clase funciones no lineales. Finalmente mostraré algunos ejemplos aplicados a la clasificación de series unidimensionales mediante bosques aleatorios.

Kerlyns Martínez, 17 de Marzo de 2021

               Universidad de Valparaíso

  On the weak convergence rate of an exponential Euler scheme for SDEs governed by coefficients with superlinear growth


In this talk, we consider the problem of designing a robust numerical integration scheme for the solution of a one-dimensional SDE with non-globally Lipschitz drift and diffusion coefficients behaving as x^α, with α > 1. We propose an (semi-explicit) exponential-Euler scheme for which, under some suitable hypotheses on the parameters of the model, we prove a rate of weak convergence of order one. This has been done by analyzing the C^{1,4} regularity of the solution of the associated backward Kolmogorov PDE using its Feynman-Kac representation and the flow derivative of the involved processes. At the end of the talk, an application of the exponential- Euler scheme in the calibration of certain stochastic processes arising from the modelling of the turbulent kinetic energy will be briefly illustrated.


Sylvie Méléard, 9 de Diciembre 2020

                  École Polytechnique France

 Asymptotic analysis of a  population dynamics with competition and horizontal transfer


We present a model for the dynamics of a population of bacteria with trait structure, who compete for resources and exchange genetic material by horizontal transfer. Phenotypic traits characterizing individuals may then be vertically inherited through mutations, and horizontally transmitted through transfer. Competition and horizontal transfer influence individual demographics and population size, which in turn feeds back on the dynamics of competitions and transfers. We consider a stochastic individual-based pure jump process taking values in the space of point measures. The jumps describe the individuals’ reproductions (possibly with mutation), transfers and deaths. In this model there is a trade-off between the transfer and the effect of advantageous mutation: individuals with costly traits and hence smaller growth rates can transfer their traits to fitter individuals. Depending on the parameters of the model, different behaviors can be observed on simulations, including evolutionary suicides and cyclic phenomena. If the trait describes the resistance charge to some antibiotics carried by plasmids in a bacterium, this cyclic effect can for instance be associated to the appearance of resistant strains. In the limit of large populations and rare mutations, we explore mathematically these phenomena  developing an approach introduced in a different context by Durrett, Mayberry and by Bovier, Coquille, Smadi. The idea is to consider population sizes in a log scale to keep track of the smaller subpopulations that have negligible sizes compared with the size of the dominant (so-called resident) population. The population dynamics observed in simulation can then be compared with the asymptotic behavior of the model in this log scale, relying in particular on coupling arguments with inhomogeneous branching processes with immigration.  We also present the first steps of a work in progress relying this approach with a class of  Hamilton-Jacobi equations introduced by Barles, Mirrahimi and Perthame.


Andressa Cerqueira, 25 de Noviembre 2020

Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Spatial Gibbs Random Graphs



Elie Aïdekon, 11 de Noviembre 2020

       NYU Shanghai

Cluster explorations of the loop soup on a metric graph related to the Gaussian free field


We give a Markov property for the loop soup on a metric graph which mimics that of the Gaussian free field, and describe the law of the loop soup conditionally on its occupation field. 



Elmer Beltrán, 28 de Octubre 2020

Medidas DLR 𝜎-finitas y transición de fase tipo volumen en shifts de Markov con alfabeto enumerable

Para un shift de Markov con alfabeto finito es conocido que la noción de medidas conformes

 y DLR coinciden. Además cuando el espacio  shift de Markov tiene alfabeto enumerable con cardinalidad infinita  O. Sarig demostró que las medidas conformes son sigma-infinitas.

Presentaré una extensión natural de la definición de medida DLR para medidas sigma-finitas  en shift de Markov con alfabeto enumerable y estudiaremos su relación con la medida conforme, mostrando que toda medida conforme es DLR para el caso sigma-finito y ambas nociones coinciden cuando el shift de Markov tiene cierta regularidad. En el shift de renewal estudiaremos  las medidas conformes  asociadas al potencial $\beta\phi$ mostrando que existe un valor $\tilde{\beta}_c$ donde la medida conforme pasa de ser una medida finita a infinita.



Nicolas Curien, 14 de Octubre 2020

   Université Paris Saclay

 Unraveling parking on random trees via random graphs


Imagine a plane tree together with a configuration of particles (cars) at each vertex.Each car tries to park on its node, and if the latter is occupied, it moves downward towards the root trying to find an empty slot.When the underlying plane tree is a critical Galton--Watson conditioned to be large, and when the cars arrivals are i.i.d. on each vertex, we observe a phase transition:- when the density of cars is small enough, all but a few manage to park safely,- whereas when the density of cars is high enough, a positive fraction of them do not manage to park and exit through the root of the tree.The critical density is an explicit function of the first two moments of the offspring distribution and cars arrivals (C. & Hénard 2019).We shall give a new point of view on this process by coupling it with the ubiquitous Erdös--Rényi random graph process.This enables us to fully understand the (dynamical) phase transition in the scaling limit by relating it to the multiplicative coalescent process. The talk is based on a joint work with Olivier Hénard and an ongoing project with Alice Contat.