Eventos pasados - Past events


9 June 2023. 

Speaker: Maria Gualdani (UT Austin) -- Recent progresses in kinetic equations

24 May 2023. 

Speaker: Angela Pistoia (Sapienza U. di Roma) -- Conformal metrics with prescribed curvatures

12 May 2023. 

Speaker 1: Eleonora Cinti (U. di Bologna) -- Optimal regularity for isoperimetric sets with density

Speaker 2: Raúl Ferreira (U. Complutense de Madrid) -- Fujita exponent for discrete reaction-diffusion equations

5 May 2023. 

Speaker 1: Noemí Wolanski (U. Buenos Aires) -- Large time behavior of nonlocal diffusion equaions in R^n

Speaker 2: Carmen Cortázar (PUC, Chile) -- Multiplicity of ground state solutions for a semilinear equation

21 April 2023. 

Speaker: Rémy Rodiac (U. Paris-Saclay) -- On the convergece of the critical points of the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional

27 March 2023. 

Speaker 1: Hidde Schönberger (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) -- Variational analysis of integral functionals involving nonlocal gradients on bounded domains

Speaker 2: Matteo Cozzi (U. degli Studi di Milano) -- Nonlocal Liouville type equations in a union of intervals and in the real line

22 February 2023. 

Speaker 1: Francesco Salvarini (U. degli Studi di Pavia) -- On the homogenization of the linear Boltzmann equation

Speaker 2: Francesca Bianchi (U. di Parma) -- The first eigenvalue of the fractional Laplacian for planar sets with topological constraints

Speaker 3: André de Laire (U. de Lille - Inria) -- The cubic Schrödinger and Sine-Gordon regimes of the anisotropic Landau-Lifshitz equation 

20 January 2023. 

Speaker 1: Marco Badrán (U. of Bath) -- Concentrating solutions for the magnetic Ginzburg-Landau equations

Speaker 2: Pablo Ochoa (U. Nacional de Cuyo-CONICET) -- Concentration compactness principle for magnetic fractional Sobolev spaces and applications to critical problems

16 December 2022. 

Speaker 1: David Poyato (U. de Granada) -- Long-time behavior of a sexual reproduction model under the effect of strongly convex selection

Speaker 2: María Medina (UAM) -- Positive solutions to critical competitive systems in low dimension

Speaker 3: Fernando Quirós (UAM) -- Larg-time behavior for anisotropic stable nonlocal diffusion problems with convection

25 November 2022. 

Speaker 1: Pablo Linares (Imperial College London) -- The stochastic estimates in regularity structures for quasi-linear SPDEs

Speaker 2: David Gómez-Castro (U. Complutense de Madrid) -- Aggregation-Diffusion equations: asymptotic concentration vs simplification

11 November 2022. 

Speaker 1: Abldelbadie Younes (U. Abou Bakr Belkaïd) -- Global fractional Calderón-Zygmund regularity and applications to a non-local problem with nonlocal gradient terms

Speaker 2: Eduardo Muñoz (U. Complutense de Madrid) --  The Poincaré-Birkhoff theorem and the horseshoe theory: from topology to dynamical systems

Speaker 3: Aldo Pratelli (U. di Pisa) -- On the existence of optimal shapes for Coulomb-type energies

7 October 2022.

Speaker 1: Claudia García (UAM) -- Global bifurcation for corotating vortex pairs

Speaker 2: Juan Carlos Felipe-Navarro  (U. Helsinki) --  Null-Lagrangians and calibrations for nonlocal elliptic functionals


24 June 2022.

Speaker 1: Alba García Ruiz (ICMAT) -- Eigenfunctions and inverse localization.

Speaker 2: Stephen McKeown  (University of Texas at Dallas) -- Cornered asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein metrics

13 May 2022.

Speaker 1: Łukasz Płociniczak (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology) -- Linear Galerkin methods for a nonlinear time-fractional diffusion with nonsmooth data and applications to hydrology and climatology.

Speaker 2: Luigi Montoro (Università della Calabria) -- Qualitative properties of solutions to -\Delta_p u=f(u) in R^N_+.

22 April 2022.

Speaker 1: Luca Battaglia (Università di Roma Tre) -- A double mean field approach for a curvature prescription problem.

Speaker 2: Daniel E. Restrepo (University of Texas at Austin) -- Uniform stability in the Euclidean Isoperimetric problem for the Allen-Cahn energy.

Speaker 3: José A. Cañizo (Universidad de Granada) -- The scaling hypothesis for the Smoluchowski equation: some recent advances.

18 March 2022.

Speaker 1: Peio Ibarrondo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) -- Nonlocal Fast Diffusion Equation on Bounded Domains. 

Speaker 2: Mikel Ispizua (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) -- A Steklov Version of the Torsional Rigidity.

4 March 2022.

Speaker 1: Jorgen Endal (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) -- Nonlocal nonlinear diffusion equations. Smoothing effects, Green functions, and functional inequalities.

Speaker 2: Xavier Ros-Oton (Universitat de Barcelona) -- The singular set in the Stefan problem.

3 December 2021.

Speaker 1: Julio Rossi (Universidad de Buenos Aires) -- Convexity and PDEs.

Speaker 2: Manuel del Pino (University of Bath) -- Blow-up by Aggregation in Chemotaxis.

19 November de 2021.

Speaker 1: Salvador López-Martínez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) -- Traveling waves for the nonlocal Gross-Pitaevskii equation. 

Speaker 2: Hardy Chan (ICMAT) -- Local and nonlocal ODEs in the singular fractional Yamabe problem.

22 de October de 2021.

Speaker 1: Félix del Teso (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) -- On asymptotic expansions and approximation schemes for the p-Laplacian. 

Speaker 2: Tomás Sanz Perela (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) -- Boundedness of stable solutions to fractional semilinear elliptic equations.