Azevedo Castro 83 seminar

The azevedo castro 83 seminar is an initiative that arises with the aim of knowing the research carried out by our close friends in mathematics and physics.

The seminar is aimed at both students and researchers of all academic levels in mathematics and physics as you may see below. The cultural diversity of the people attending the seminar is wide and rich since, for instance, we have had participants coming from several countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Peru, Venezuela, and Vietnam. All this has made of our seminar a pleasant place with a friendly atmosphere where we train our communication skills by promoting academic discussions and by exchanging our scientific knowledge.

If you are interested in giving a talk in our seminar please feel free to contact any of us. We will be happy of having you at home sharing your thoughts about mathematics, physics, and why not, about life.

Frequency: once a week or twice a month.

Organizers: Sebastián Herrera, Fabricio Valencia , Alejandra Rigo and Juan Luis Maguiña.

November 12

Carlos Varea

Estruturas complexas generalizadas em variedades flag

A noção de geometria complexa generalizada é um conceito recente, introduzido por Hitchin em 2002, que nos permite estudar as geometrias complexa e simplética em um único ambiente. Nessa palestra vamos falar sobre estruturas complexas generalizadas, os primeiros exemplos e resultados dessa teoria e, em seguida, vamos falar sobre estruturas complexas generalizadas em variedades flag.

Date: November, 12. 15h-16h


Angelo Diaz

Machine learning in finance

The economics, the past cycle had a lot of influence from mathematics. Currently, many areas of mathematics are very important in economics, and finance isn't exception. Harry Markowitz in 1952 published his article “Portfolio Selection” with the aim of to find the ideal investment portfolio in terms of return and risk. It was a very important work that changed the course of the study of investment in finance. William F. Sharpe (1964), John Lintner (1965) and Jan Mossin (1966), based on the work of Markowitz, gave rise to the Capital Asset Price Model (CAPM). Fama and French (1993) added two characteristics: market value and BE/ME (book value to market) Thus, they introduced the three-factor model to explain stock returns. In this first presentation I will try to approach how the inversion theory evolved from the first basic Markowitz model to the Fama and French model.

Date: November, 05
. 15h-16h.

Alejandra Rigo

Comeager sets on 2^\alpha

In this talk we shall show a characterization of being comeager in 2^\alpha, with \alpha a limit ordinal. We shall give some examples of meager and comeager subsets of 2^\alpha. We shall discuss an example of a set which is neither meager nor comeager on 2^\alpha and it fails to have the Baire property.

Date: November, 05. 16.30h-17.30h

October 22

Juan Luis Maguiña.

Jogos Topológicos

Neste seminario vamos falar sobre jogos topológicos e algumas aplicações na Topologia Geral e Análise.

Date: October, 22. 15h-16h

André Gomes.

Classificação de álgebras semissimples

Um panorama sobre a classificação de grupos e algebra de Lie semisimples.

Date: October, 22. 16.30h-17.30h

october 15

Luis García Santisteban

Extensão de operadores regulares

Nesta charla, daremos alguma introdução sobre extensões de operadores lineares regulares e positivos em espaços de Riesz e veremos algumas analogias sobre extensões em espaços de Banach.

Date: October, 15. 15h-16h

Julián Lázaro Aguirre

Teorema dos números primos e conjectura de Sarnak

Veremos que o famoso Teorema dos Números Primos é um caso particular da Conjetura de Sarnak e para isso falarei sobre a entropía topológica de um sistema dinâmico.

Date: October, 15. 17h -18h.

october 08

Leonel Zuaznabar

About the Tree Builder Random Walk.

Date: October, 08. 15.30h-16.30h


About her Scientific Initiation

Date: October, 08. 17h-18h

September 23

Fabricio Valencia

A brief introduction to symplectic manifolds and moment maps.

In this talk I will introduce the notion of symplectic manifold giving several examples and explaining the main features from them. I will deduce the Hamilton-Jacobi equations with the aim of getting the equations appearing when working with Hooke's law and Newton's second law of motion. This is done by using concrete Hamiltonians. Finally, the notion of Hamiltonian action and classical definition of moment map in this setting are given.

Date: September, 23. 15h-16.30h

Ngo Phuoc Nguyen Ngoc

The Generalized Ising measure

In the talk, I will give an introduction to Ising measure and its generalizations with application to traffic-flow model.

Date: September, 23. 17h-18h

September 17

Alejandra Rigo

Ramsey theorems and some connections with Banach spaces.

In this talk we shall explore the spirit of some Ramsey-like Theorems and review some general applications to Banach spaces. We shall prove that a Banach space with normalized basis (e_n)_n satisfying that all its subsequences have a further subsequence equivalent to (e_n)_n must be subsymmetric.

Date: 17 de September 15h-16h

Genaro Zamudio

Classificação de folheações regulares

Neste seminario após fazer um review de folheações apresentaremos o teorema de classificação de folheações devido a Haefliger.

Date: September, 17. 16.30h-17.30h

August 31

André Gomes.

Fibrado de Hopf

Em geometria diferencial as esferas assumem um importante papel, pois são o modelo mais básico de variedades de curvatura seccional positiva. Por outro lado, fibrados são também importantes ferramentas topológicas no entendimento de espaços (possivelmente) geométricos. Nesta apresentação, o palestrante André Gomes, detalhou a topologia do famigerado fibrado de Hopf, S^1\rightarrow S^3\rightarro S^2, justamente por este ser o fibrado de Hopf, e um dos fibrados circulares, mais tangíveis a cálculos e ao entendimento empírico-matemático, trazendo grande poder de intuição e compreensão àqueles que o entendem. Mais além, uma simples modificação na ação definidora de tal fibrado nos garante dois exemplos não triviais de orbifold, que foram apresentados detalhadamente nesta exposição..

Date: 31 of August 16.30h-17h

Juan Luis Maguiña

About Ultrafilters, p-limits and Compactness by p-limits.

Date: August, 31. 17.30h-18.30h

August 25

Sebastián Daza.

G-structures over Orbifolds.

Orbifolds are spaces with good singularities on it (for example a teardrop). G-structure theory allow us studying some differential geometric properties such as the existence or integrability of geometric structures. I will show how to extend G-structure theory to orbifolds.

Date: August, 25. 16h-17.30h

August 18

Sebastián Herrera

Sectional Curvature

In this talk we will see the notion of sectional curvature, we will see its definition in terms of the curvature 2-form on the frame bundle.

Date: August, 18. 16h 17h

August 11

André Gomes.

Biquocientes de curvatura positiva

Nesta apresentação, foi exposta a conexão entre biquocientes e orbifolds, que ainda é um dos

principais meios na busca por novos exemplos de orbifolds de curvatura positiva. Um dos enfoques foi a apresentação da classificação do ponto de vista topológico os biquocientes de Sp(2). Dentre estes está a esfera exótica de Gromoll-Meyer, já bastante conhecida na literatura. Mas há também dois novos exemplos, dos

quais um foi demonstrado que admite uma métrica de curvatura seccional quase positiva.

Date: August, 11. 16h-17.30h