Seminari di Analisi Numerica del DISMA


Giovedì 23 maggio alle ore 16.30, in aula Buzano, Andrea Cucuzzella


VOF-ML-3D: a Volume Of Fluids method enhanced by neural networks with controlled Lipschitz constant

A new MATLAB code for simulation the behaviour of highly energetic materials using Chapman-Jouguet theory

Reduced Order Modelling. Intrusive and non-intrusive approaches for Fluids Dynamics


Modeling and numerical analysis of magnetoelastic materials

Higher-order adaptive virtual element methods with contraction properties

Projection-based and data-driven reduced order models for parametric bifurcation problems

 Liquid Crystal Polymeric Networks: Modeling, Approximation, and Computation

Improving high-order VEM stability on badly-shaped elements

Hearing weather and climate change through time series

Some computational aspects of large-scale numerical simulations.

Some key points in machine/deep learning for solar flare forecasting

Space-time virtual elements for the heat equation


An invariances-preserving vector basis neural network for the closure of RANS equations by the divergence of the Reynolds stress tensor

Adaptive POD-DEIM correction for Turing pattern approximation in reaction-diffusion PDE systems

An optimization based 3D-1D coupling for the simulation of perfusion and substance delivery in evolving vascular networks

(Dis)continuous approximation 

Agglomeration-based geometric multigrid schemes for the Virtual Element Method

Stabilization-free Virtual Element Methods 

Deep Learning Applications to Discrete Fracture Network Models

An introduction to Machine Learning techniques combined with Reduced Order Methods

"GeDiM mode d'emploi" - Generic Discretization Method (GeDiM): A User's Manual


3D-1D coupled problems via an optimization based domain decomposition method

A system of of Hamilton-Jacobi equations characterizing geodesic centroidal tessellations

Advanced refinement strategies for polygonal (and polyhedral) meshes 

On the coupling of the Curved Virtual Element Method with the Boundary Element Method for exterior problems

Variational Physics Informed Neural Networks: the role of quadratures and test functions

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