Junior Game Theory Seminar

The junior seminar aims at gathering PhD students and post-docs whose research topics deal with game theory in a broad sense. During the seminar, the participants may present their works, advanced or in progress, to their peers. They may also present articles they believe are interesting (in a journal club fashion). They can be theoretical economists, mathematicians, computer scientists. The seminar will take place around every two weeks on Mondays, 10am, before the senior game theory seminar. Participants who want to be speakers are most welcome and should contact the organizers.

Organizers: Julian Chitiva (julian.chitiva[at]hec[dot]edu), Emmanuel Lagrée (emmanuel.lagree[at]u-paris2[dot]fr), David Lurie (david.lurie[at]dauphine[dot]eu) and, Cyril Rouault (cyril.rouault[at]universite-paris-saclay[dot]fr).

The next issue is on June 17th, 10am at the IHP (room 201).

Yijun Wan (CEREMADE, Dauphine) will present her article "Blackwell Approachability Applied to Absorbing Games"

Abstract:  Blackwell approachability, introduced in the 1950's, is a generalization of von Neumann’s minmax theorem for vector payoffs. An absorbing game is a two-player zero-sum repeated game with some entries that with positive probability, the future payoffs are equal to the payoffs of the entries. We first extend Blackwell approachability to vector spaces with time-dependent bilinear forms. Then we show how this framework can be applied to constructing an epsilon-optimal strategy in absorbing games. This is a joint work with Joon Kwon and Bruno Ziliotto.

Expected schedule:

September 16th: TBA

September 30th: TBA

October 14th: TBA

November 4th: Mathieu Molina

November 18th: TBA

December 2th: TBA

January 6th: TBA

January 20th: Alix Dupont

February 3rd: TBA

February 10th: TBA

March 3rd: TBA

March 17th: TBA

March 31th: TBA

April 28th: TBA

Mai 12th: TBA

Mai 26th: TBA

June 16th: TBA

June 30th: TBA

Former Organizers: Felipe Garrido-Lucero.