Séminaire parisien de Théorie des Jeux
The Séminaire parisien de Théorie des Jeux is an open, inter-institutional, multi-disciplined seminar which covers all fields of game theory. It takes place on Monday from 11:00 to 12:00 am at Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 5ème.
You will find the program for the current academic year on the page 2024/2025 and the program for past years on the page Archives.
The junior seminar welcomes PhD students in game theory to present their work. You will find the program for the current academic year on the page Junior Seminar 2024/2025.
Next seminar:
February 3, 2025 (room Maryam Mirzakhani)
Pierfrancesco GUARINO (University of Udine): "Capturing Misalignment" with Gabriel Ziegler from the University of Edinburgh):
Abstract: We introduce and formalize misalignment, i.e., the presence in an interactive environment from an analyst’s perspective of at least an agent holding beliefs on another agent’s beliefs that do not match any beliefs actually embraced by this latter agent, and we show how standard frameworks used to model interactive reasoning such as type structures fail to capture it. We characterize misalignment via the notion of non-belief closed state space and we introduce—by providing their foundation—agent-dependent type structures to capture it and to show that this is a multifaceted phenomenon which manifests itself in varying degrees. Finally, we establish that usual modal operators appropriately defined on agent-dependent type structures are well behaved and we exploit them to show that common belief of willingness to trade along with a common prior appropriately defined do not preclude speculative trade under misalignment.
Frédéric Koessler (CNRS, HEC Paris), frederic.koessler[at]gmail[dot]com
Maël Letreust (CNRS, IRISA Rennes), mael.le-treust[at]cnrs[dot]fr
Chantal Marlats (LEMMA, Université Paris Panthéon-Assas), chantal.marlats[at]u-paris2[dot]fr
Yannick Viossat (CEREMADE, PSL), viossat[at]ceremade[dot]dauphine[dot]fr
To join (or unsuscribe from) our mailing list, please contact Chantal Marlats at chantal.marlats[at]u-paris2[dot]fr.
Former organizers
Joseph Abdou; Bernard De Meyer; Françoise Forges; Olivier Gossner; Marie Laclau; Rida Laraki; Lucie Ménager; Vianney Perchet; Jérôme Renault; Dinah Rosenberg; Sylvain Sorin; Tristan Tomala; Xavier Venel; Nicolas Vieille; Guillaume Vigeral; Bruno Ziliotto