Séminaire parisien de Théorie des Jeux


The Séminaire parisien de Théorie des Jeux is an open, inter-institutional, multi-disciplined seminar which covers all fields of game theory. It takes place on Monday from 11:00 to 12:00 am at Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 5ème.

You will find the program for the current academic year on the page 2024/2025 and the program for past years on the page Archives.

The junior seminar welcomes PhD students in game theory to present their work.  You will find the program for the current academic year on the page Junior Seminar 2024/2025.

Next seminar: 

January 6, 2024 (room Maryam Mirzakhani): 

Simon FINSTER (Crest) : "Equitable Auctions"

We initiate the study of how auction design affects the division of surplus among buyers. We propose a parsimonious measure for equity and apply it to the family of standard auctions for homogeneous goods. Our surplus-equitable mechanism is efficient, Bayesian-Nash incentive compatible, and achieves surplus parity among winners ex-post. The uniform-price auction is equity-optimal if and only if buyers have a pure common value. Against intuition, the pay-as-bid auction is not always preferred in terms of equity if buyers have pure private values. In auctions with price mixing between pay-as-bid and uniform prices, we provide prior-free bounds on the equity-preferred pricing rule under a common regularity condition on signals.


Frédéric Koessler (CNRS, HEC Paris), frederic.koessler[at]gmail[dot]com

Maël Letreust  (CNRS,  IRISA Rennes), mael.le-treust[at]cnrs[dot]fr

Chantal Marlats (LEMMA, Université Paris Panthéon-Assas), chantal.marlats[at]u-paris2[dot]fr

Yannick Viossat (CEREMADE, PSL), viossat[at]ceremade[dot]dauphine[dot]fr

To join (or unsuscribe from) our mailing list, please contact Chantal Marlats at chantal.marlats[at]u-paris2[dot]fr. 

Former organizers

Joseph Abdou; Bernard De Meyer; Françoise Forges; Olivier Gossner; Fréderic Koessler; Marie Laclau; Rida Laraki; Vianney Perchet; Jérôme Renault; Dinah Rosenberg; Sylvain Sorin; Tristan Tomala; Xavier Venel; Nicolas Vieille; Guillaume Vigeral; Yannick Viossat; Bruno Ziliotto