Routley-Meyer ternary relational semantics for quasi-Boolean negations




ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., "Basic quasi-Boolean expansions of relevance logics, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 50, 727-754, 2021.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., "A class of implicative expansions of Kleene's strong logic, a subclass of which is shown functionally complete via the precompleteness of Łukasiewicz's 3-valued logic Ł3", Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 30, 533-556, 2021.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., "A note on Gödel-Dummett logic LC", Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 50(3), 325-335, 2021

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., "Natural implicative expansions of variants of Kleene’s strong 3-valued logic with Gödel-type and dual Gödel-type negation", Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 31(2), 130-153, 2021.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., "A basic dual intuitionistic logic and some of its extensions included in G3_{DH}", Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 30, 117-138, 2021.

ROBLES G., "The class of all 3-valued implicative expansions of Kleene’s strong logic containing Anderson and Belnap’s First degree entailment logic", Journal of Applied Logics — IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, 8(7), 2035-2071, 2021. (Open access)

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., "A remark on functional completeness of binary expansions of Kleene’s strong 3-valued logic", Logic Journal of the IGPL, jzaa28 (Advance article),, 2020.

ROBLES, G., "A basic quasi-Boolean logic of intuitionistic character", Journal of Applied Non-classical Logics, 30(4), 291-311, 2o20.

ROBLES, G., LÓPEZ, S. M., "Selecting the class of all 3- valued implicative expansions of Kleene’s strong logic containing Routley and Meyer’s logic B". Logique et Analyse, 252, 443-464, 2020.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., "The class of all natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong logic functionally equivalent to Łukasiewicz's 3-valued logic Ł3", Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 29(3), 349-374, 2020.

ROBLES, G., "Reduced Routley–Meyer semantics for the logics characterized by natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong 3-valued matrix", Logic Journal of the IGPL, 27(1), 69-92, 2019.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., "Belnap-Dunn semantics for natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong three-valued matrix with two designated values", Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 29(1), 37-63, 2019.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., "Partiality and its dual in natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong 3-valued matrix with only one designated value", Logic Journal of the IGPL, 27(6), 910-932, 2019.

ROBLES, G., SALTO, F., MÉNDEZ, J. M., "Belnap-Dunn semantics for natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong three-valued matrix II. Only one designated value", Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 29(3), 307-325, 2019.


MÉNDEZ, J. M., ROBLES, G., SALTO, F., "Three-valued relevance logics", ASL European Summer Meeting (Logic Colloquium 2021), Poznań, Poland, 19-24 July 2021.

ROBLES, G., "Alternative semantical interpretations of the paraconsistent and paracomplete 4-valued logic PŁ4", ASL European Summer Meeting (Logic Colloquium 2021), Poznań, Poland, 19-24 July 2021.

MÉNDEZ, J. M., ROBLES, G., SALTO, F., "Falsity constants for two independent families of quasi-Boolean logics", ASL European Summer Meeting (Logic Colloquium 2019), Prague, Czech Republic, 11-16 August 2019. Publication: (Abstract) Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 25(4), 518-519, 2019.

MÉNDEZ, J. M., ROBLES, G., SALTO, F., "Expansions of relevant logics with a dual intuitionistic type negation", 16th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST 2019), Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 August 2019.

ROBLES, G., "Basic quasi-Boolean expansions of relevant logics with a negation of intuitionistic kind", 16th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST 2019), Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 August 2019.

MÉNDEZ, J. M., ROBLES, G., SALTO, F., "Basic quasi-Boolean extensions of relevant logics", ASL European Summer Meeting (Logic Colloquium 2018), Udine, Italy, 23-28 July 2018. Publication: (Abstract) Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 25(2), 259, 2019.

MÉNDEZ, J. M., ROBLES, G., SALTO, F., "A basic dual intuitionistic logic", 6th World Congress on Universal Logic (UNILOG 2018), Vichy, France, 16-26 June 2018.

ROBLES, G., "Expansions of relevance logics with a quasi-Boolean negation of intuitionistic character", 6th World Congress on Universal Logic (UNILOG 2018), Vichy, France, 16-26 June 2018.

PhD thesis

Estudio sobre las variantes de la matriz tetravaluada de Brady que verifican la lógica básica de Rotuley y Meyer (A study on the variants of Brady's four-valued matrix that verify Routley and Meyer's Basic logic). Author: Sandra María López Velasco. Supervisor: José Manuel Méndez Rodríguez. Calificación: Sobresaliente cum laude. Universidad de Salamanca, 2020.