Jeandre Carbone


Hobbies: fitness, hot yoga, painting

Favorite Store(s): Amazon (no time to shop)

Favorite Restaurant(s): Dame, Kachka, Laurelhurst Market

Favorite Lunch from your favorite restaurant: drunken noodles from any good thai or shrimp tempura roll from any good sushi

Favorite Breakfast: breakfast sandwich or burrito

Favorite Pizza Topping: mushrooms, green peppers, olives

Favorite Regular Beverage: coffee; iced triple espresso- coconut milk

Favorite Adult Beverage: red wine

Favorite Dessert: brownies

Favorite Snacks: almonds, mixed roasted nuts

Likes: chips and guacamole, animals and dogs

Allergies/Dislikes: no allergies, trying to eat a more plant-based diet but still occasionally eat meat

Where is your getaway: the coast