Claire Howard

Principal's Secretary

Hobbies: Reading, TV, Walking, Family

Favorite Store(s): TJ Max

Favorite Restaurant(s): Outback, Red Robin, Spaghetti Factory

Favorite Lunch from your favorite restaurant: Chicken satay with peanut sauce from Jade

Favorite Breakfast: Bacon gouda sandwich at Starbucks; bagel and cream cheese

Favorite Pizza Topping: Red sauce, sausage, onions, peppers & cheese

Favorite Regular Beverage: decaf coffee

Favorite Adult Beverage: none

Favorite Dessert: anything chocolate, cake, chocolate chip cookies

Favorite Snacks: chocolate covered almonds or chocolate covered any kind of nut, cashews also, salted chocolate with caramel

Likes: the beach

Allergies/Dislikes: none

Where is your getaway: the coast - Lincoln City and Depoe Bay