For starters, Selenium WebDriver is the core of the Selenium automation framework. In this Selenium WebDriver tutorial, I deep dive into the integral aspects of Selenium WebDriver along with touching upon the Selenium WebDriver architecture.

By the end of this Selenium WebDriver tutorial, you will be in a better position to know what is selenium grid, know how to run Selenium WebDriver tests on local Selenium Grid and cloud Selenium Grid.

Selenium Webdriver Tutorial Java With Examples Pdf Free Download

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So far, in this Selenium WebDriver tutorial, I used the local Selenium WebDriver to run a particular test case. Now, as the number of test cases increases, running them parallel with a higher number of threads on a single VM would start giving automation failures.

Here is a step by step plan for getting started with Selenium. We have many examples (and will keep adding) which helps you to learn, practice and became an expert in automation using selenium and prepared to implement a framework for your project.

Before jumping onto selenium in details, you should have a minimal knowledge of Java as going forward all the examples will be using java as programming language and near future we will add other languages for scripting and Basic knowledge on HTML will help to create effective scripts and construct reliable css/xpaths.

If you want to write your tests on Firefox browser using selenium 3, you'll need to have geckodriver, which is an executable similar to the chromedriver and edgedriver. But note that 'geckodriver' has to release stable version and they are still pending with few implementations like Actions class.

Now here we go with selenium examples to start with Chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer and New Microsoft Edge Browser. If you are using eclipse as your IDE, then here is an example for you - Selenium webdriver using Eclipse

Along with selenium scripts, we will also start using unit testing framework 'TestNG/JUnit' along with build automation tools like Maven/Ant. There are many other tools / libraries that will come across when working on a project which we will also cover like JExcel / Apache Poi to read and write excel sheets etc.

Selenium is one of the most widely used open-source Web UI automation testing tools. It supports the automation of websites across different browsers, platforms, and programming languages. 

Our Selenium tutorial is designed specifically for beginners with little to no prior knowledge of Selenium or automation testing

We will start with the basics of Selenium. After that, we will move to more advanced stuff like multi-browser testing, running tests in parallel, automation frameworks, etc.

To effectively work with different elements, especially dynamic elements, one should know how to create complex element locators.

In the below two tutorials, we will study the CSS and XPath locators. These will immensely help us in creating locators for complex web elements.

The below tutorials will help you with code snippets and examples. These will include some of the most commonly performed actions in test automation. Here, we are using Java language with Selenium. If you have no prior experience in Java then you can learn the basics of Java from our Java for Testers series.

Excellent tutorial! The step-by-step breakdown of Selenium makes it so much easier for beginners like me to grasp the concepts. The practical examples provided truly enhance the learning experience. I appreciate the clear explanations and the emphasis on real-world application. Looking forward to more insightful tutorials like this one!

This Selenium webDriver guide will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to configure and use Selenium WebDriver for web testing. We'll cover setting up your system for Selenium WebDriver, creating tests with Java and Python, ensuring cross-browser compatibility with Firefox, and best practices for reliable and maintainable tests. Whether you are a novice seeking a solid foundation or a seasoned professional aiming to enhance your automation prowess, this tutorial will be your trusted companion.

This Selenium WebDriver Tutorial begins with a detailed overview of the tool, followed by step-by-step instructions on installation. We will then delve into practical examples, showcasing the power of Selenium WebDriver commands in real-world scenarios.

This example project already has the Applitools Eyes SDK as a dependency.If you want to add the Applitools Eyes SDK as a new dependency to another Maven project,then add the latest version of theeyes-selenium-java5package to the project's pom.xml file.

The eyes-selenium-java5 package includes a dependency for the Selenium 3 package.If you want to use Selenium 4,then add the latest 4.x version of theselenium-javapackage to the project's pom.xml file as well.

Selenium automates web application. Testing performed by software testers using the Selenium testing tool is known as Selenium Testing.In this Free Selenium training tutorial, we cover all Selenium concepts (basic selenium test scripts to the advanced testing framework) in detail with easy to understand practical examples.

In the next section of this Selenium automation testing tutorial you will learn all about Selenium Grid, which was developed by Patrick Lightbody to minimize the execution time of Selenium automation testing. Selenium Grid allows the parallel execution of tests on different browsers and different operating systems, facilitating parallel execution. Grid is exceptionally flexible and is integrated with other suite components for simultaneous performance.

This is by far the best tutorial on using xpath. It clearly explains the structure of an xpath expression; it then describes the variety of usage, clearly and with great graphics.

Great work and thanks.


Hi James, to be frank, I do not have any clue when will they move from 1.0 to 2.0 and 3.1. This question should go to Simon Stewart.

I also found a question here: -i-use-xpath-2-0-with-firefox-and-selenium

This tutorial is designed for software testing professionals who would like to learn the basics of Selenium through practical examples. The tutorial contains enough ingredients to get you started with Selenium from where you can take yourself to higher levels of expertise.

Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of Java or any other object-oriented programming language. In addition, you should be well-versed with the fundamentals of testing concepts.

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Selenium is a popular open-source web-based automation tool. Sometimes, Selenium webdriver faces problems in interacting with a few web elements, For example, the user opens a website and there is an unexpected pop-up window that will prevent the webdriver from performing operations and produce inaccurate results. This is where JavascriptExecutor comes into use.

JavaScriptExecutor is an interface that is used to execute JavaScriprt through selenium webdriver. JavaScript is a programming language that interacts with HTML in a browser, and to use this function in Selenium, JavascriptExecutor is required.

A significant aspect of the browser containers presented so far is that WebDriverManager connects to Docker Hub to discover the latest available release when the browser version is not specified (like the examples explained before). This way, the dockerized browsers of tests handled by WebDriverManager are auto-maintained, in the sense that these tests use the latest version available without any additional effort.

getDockerService(): It allows access to the Docker service and client (based on docker-java) to make custom operations with Docker containers (e.g., run commands in the browser container, see example here).

To configure the WebDriverManager Agent, we need to specify the path of the WebDriverManager fat-JAR using the JVM flag -javaagent:/path/to/webdrivermanager-5.6.3-fat.jar. Alternatively, it can be done using Maven (see a complete project example here).

There are two ways to try to get community support related to WebDriverManager. First, questions can be discussed in StackOverflow, using the tag webdrivermanager_java. In addition, comments, suggestions, and bug-reporting should be made using the GitHub issues. Finally, if you think WebDriverManager can be enhanced, consider contributing to the project through a pull request.

This Selenium tutorial will provide you with the basic and advanced concepts of Selenium, and hence, it is designed for both beginners and professionals. This tutorial includes all the topics of Selenium such as introduction to Selenium, Selenium types, Selenium WebDriver, Maven in Selenium, and so much more.

To learn Selenium, you need to know the basics. Knowledge of the OOPS concept is vital. This Selenium tutorial will provide you with valuable insights that will help you learn Selenium, Installation of Selenium, features of Selenium, and more.

Learners who are not comfortable with programming can use Python for its script-friendly feature or Ruby. This Selenium Python tutorial will improve your learning curve and help you understand how to write software tests with fewer codes.

I am a beginner ton automation/ selenium. My code works fine with implicit wait on firefox. When I run the same code in chrome, I get No such element exception. I increased the implicit wait time to 100 seconds but still it throws no such element exception as soon as it logs in before waiting for 100secs (implicit wait time). The only way I could get my code work in chrome is by adding explicit wait on each element. Can you please let me know why is implicit wait not working in chrome in my case. Is there any other solution than adding explicit wait to each element to all my scripts? 2351a5e196

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