Choosing an Urn This New Year -Selecting The Right Urn For You 

Here's how to select the right urn for you:

If so, what type of ashes? Are they ashes from a cremation or a burial? 

What types of engraving options are available on your selected urn?

Think about how you want to display your urn.

When choosing an urn, it's important to think about how you want to display your urn. Urns can be displayed in a variety of ways. Some urns are designed to be placed on a mantle or shelf, while others are designed to be displayed on a table or shelf. There are also some urns that can be placed outdoors. Consider the type of home you live in and determine how much space is available for displaying the ashes of someone close to you.

To help make this decision easier, it's good to know what kind of person they were when they were alive—a quiet introvert who enjoyed being alone? Or an outgoing extrovert who loved talking with people? These details will help shape your final decision about where their ashes should end up after death (if not buried).

Will the urn be used for ashes?

If you want to scatter the ashes, then an urn is not necessary. You might find it helpful if you have a particular place in mind that you’d like your loved one’s remains to be at, though: perhaps on their favourite beach or near the place where they had their first kiss.

If you want to keep them in your home, then an urn is necessary. A simple wooden box will do just fine for this purpose.

If you want to keep them in a cemetery or mausoleum (cemeteries usually allow family members to store cremated remains), then an urn is also necessary.

Think about the engraving options

This is the most important step. When choosing an urn, there are many factors to consider. Engraving options are a must and can be chosen from a variety of fonts and styles. You can also add your own words to personalise this important keepsake.

When choosing an urn you should keep in mind what kind of memory box you want to get it engraved with. If you're purchasing this for yourself, then I think that's fine but if it's for someone else then make sure their loved ones will approve before making any decisions about it.

Is it for indoor or outdoor use?

Indoor or outdoor use?

There are a few other things to consider when choosing an urn. You should also ask yourself if you would like your ashes to be inside, or outdoors. If you want them outside, you have the option of having your loved one buried in an outdoor space such as the garden or on a patio. This can be expensive but it's worth it for those who wish for their loved ones to still be close even after death. However, if you want them inside then there are many options depending on how big your budget is and how much room there is in your home. Some people choose to keep their loved ones' ashes on display so they can visit every day while others prefer putting them away somewhere safe where they won't get damaged by water damage etcetera.

Think about where it will be displayed.

I think it is important to consider where the urn will be displayed. If you live in a cold climate and plan to keep it outside, make sure that your selection is sturdy enough to withstand the weather. Also, if you live in an area with extreme seasons (i.e., very hot summers or very cold winters) then something with a fairly neutral design that can withstand extreme temperatures may be best for you.

If you don't intend on displaying the urn in such a public place, then there are many beautiful options available that do not look like traditional urns at all—and they can still serve as wonderful keepsakes for loved ones who have passed away. These include: decorative boxes made from wood or metal; decorative boxes made from stone; wall plaques displaying inspirational messages engraved onto metal plates or wooden boards; glass display cases for jewellery pieces; shadow boxes for family photos; shadow boxes for keepsake cards given out by hospitals during funerals (this works especially well if there are several family members who want their own personal keepsake from the funeral); hand-carved wooden picture frames holding special photographs of loved ones' lives (this works especially well if there are multiple family members who want their own special keepsake from the funeral). 

This is the most important step. When choosing an urn, there are many factors to consider. Engraving options are a must and can be chosen from a variety of fonts and styles. You can also add your own words to personalise this important keepsake.

When choosing an urn you should keep in mind what kind of memory box you want to get it engraved with. If you're purchasing this for yourself, then I think that's fine but if it's for someone else then make sure their loved ones will approve before making any decisions about it.