
주문솔 외. 2022. 가계 소비지출의 폐기물발자국 평가기법 연구

Ju et al. 2022. Developing the waste footprint evaluation method of household consumption expenditure 

3장. 순환경제의 사회적 이슈: 사회적 전과정평가 방법론과 젠더 이슈

4장. 플라스틱 순환경제와 젠더

6장. ESG와 젠더, 젠더혁신: 플라스틱과 모빌리티 사례

박주영, 5장. 자원효율을 높이는 순환경제, 기후 위기 대응에 어떻게 도움이 될까? 기후위기 시대, 12가지 쟁점, 정태용 엮음, 박영사.

Jooyoung Park, Chapter 5. Circular economy that improves resource efficiency, how can it be of help to address the climate crisis? In 12 Hot-button Issues in the Era of Climate Crisis, Tae Yong Jeong eds., Parkyoung.

Van Hoof and Park, 2018. Chapter 10. Industrial ecology as a paradigm for sustainability management (La Ecologia Industrial Como Paradigma de la Gerencia de la Sostenibilidad), In Gobernanza y Gerencia del Desarrollo Sostenible, Rodriguez Becerra, M. and Alejandra Velez, M. eds. Universidad de los Andes.

Chertow, M. and Park, J. 2016. Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis 1989-2014. In Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology, Clift, R. and Druckman, A. eds. Springer.

Chertow, M. and Park, J. 2019. Reusing Non-hazardous Industrial Waste across Business Clusters. In Waste: A Handbook for Management, Letcher, T.M. and Vallero, D. eds. 2nd ed., Elsevier.

Chertow, M. and Park, J. 2011. Reusing Non-hazardous Industrial Waste across Business Clusters. In Waste: A Handbook for Management, Letcher, T.M. and Vallero, D. eds. 1st ed., Elsevier.