



Media and Videos:

2. Sejun Song and Taesang Choi, “Demo: P4 Inband Network Telemetry Use Cases: Seeing Trees and Leaves to Learn About Forests,” P4 Workshop 2016, Stanford, CA, May 2016.

3. Song, Sejun and Pickens, Adam W., “hEAR is here!, mobile hearing screening application,” ACM MobiCom 2015, Mobile App competition Finalist, (, Paris, France, September 2015.

4. “WiFi-Amber - Technical Video,” , NSF I-Corps, June 2016.

5. Kaustubh Dhondge, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, and Hyungbae Park, “Demo: OptAuth: Optical Wireless Authentication for Smart Devices Using an Onboard Ambient Light Sensor,” ACM HotMobile 2015, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 2015.

6. “WiFi-Honk! Smartphone App Gets Pedestrians out of the Way,IEEE Spectrum, July, 2014.

7. Kaustubh Dhondge, Sejun Song, Younghwan Jang, Hyungbae Park, Sunae Shin, and Baek-Young Choi, “WiFi-Honk: Smartphone-based Beacon Stuffed WiFi Car2X-Communication System for Vulnerable Road User Safety,” ( ACM Mobisys 2014, Best Video Award, Bretton Woods, NH, June 2014.