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Welcome! This is me.

I'm a novelist, scientist, linguist, and entrepreneur. 

I love all sorts of languages! Including but not limited to Sign language, Korean, English, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Italian, Tolkien's Sindarin, Klingon, and Machine language:) I'd like to be called 'the language man' one day.

Only when you are motivated, energetic, prepared free from distraction?

When am I?

2. As a researcher: Let's defeat the culture of 'publish or perish' and 'research olympics', but encourage effective dissemination of correct information.

3. My life journey: Languages and Semantics!

Current Affiliation. School of EEE, Yonsei University. CV

I'm visiting Oulu University from Mar. to Jul. 2023 for semantic communications research.

Visit sergeseo.wordpress.com to view my technical blog (beta).