Additional Marker Rendering : Kettles

For this project, we started off with a already sketched sheet of marker paper, then proceeded to fine line the lines (0.8 for outer edges and 0.3 for inner edges) which makes it look more defined

Then, as the usual method of Rendering follows, we started to add the markers to the fine lined designs keeping in mind to the direction of the light shining onto the kettles which is then used to locate where the shadow forms, which is where we layer the marker to make it darker.

Moving on, There were a few challenges to fulfill. First was to be able to describe the existence of water in the 3rd kettle (Bottom left) which was done with a light blue marker, and with no layering. This makes it so that it shows a subtle border where the water is, and isn't flowing. A few lines were also added, to make sure the direction of light is understandable as the material is transparent ( glass / plastic ) which still reflects light.

The final product, (below) is after all the shadows were added to add more depth into the objects.

The same project is also done digitally, where we used procreate to render the same designs. The digital version of the designs can be seen here :