Eclectic stuff

Potentially useful links

Seismology codes etc

-- Seismo-live: python codes for heaps of geophysical concepts-- SPUD: IRIS repository for numerous passive seismic stuff-- Array processing-- Pyrocko: python-based seismology toolbox and library-- RF: compute and plot Receiver functions by Tom Eulenfeld -- HiPerSeis: Geoscience Australia's inventory for seismological tools-- RfPy & SplitPy: tools developed by Pascal Audet and his team-- EQcorrscan: a python package for the detection and analysis of repeating seismicity-- Seismic codes (core-man), X. He's links, Seismo links-- Pytheas: Local S-wave splitting-- OpenTOAST: seismology tools-- CUHK seismology: tutorials in seismology for varying levels of user.-- MTfit:  Bayesian Source Inversion-- Seismo-live: Jupyter notebooks for seis-- Induced seismicity database-- SCARDEC: source-time functions database-- Frospy: Python toolbox for normal mode seismology

Geophysics-- SubMachine: for all things global seismic tomography-- Atlas of the Underground: slabs slabs slabs-- Subduction initiation database: self-evident-- LIPs: Large Igneous Provinces database etc.-- Submap: web-based tool for generating maps, sections and datasets of subduction zones-- Earth crust org: crustal architecture principally determined by seismic methods.-- Slab 2.0: a subduction zone geometry model-- Ed Garnero's images


-- Python graph gallery: (seaborn-based)-- Data-to-viz: select type of plot and language and get the code-- Matplotlib cheatcodes-- Scientific colour maps: aesthetic, clean, and scientifically correct colour bars by Fabio Crameri-- cpt-city-- Matplotlib colour palette finder


-- ffmpeg: make gifs using shell-- Rephrase text -- AWK cheat sheet | Awk one-liners 

Thesis-writing chronicles ft. NSW coast 

Some enjoyable albums through the years