2019.12-2021.06:  Postdoc at SCEC, USC under supervision of Dr. Yehuda Ben-Zion
2019.03-2019.11:  Junior researcher at CNRS under supervision of Dr. Helle Pedersen

2015.09-2019.02:   Ph.D ( Topic: Tomography of the alpine arc using noise correlations & waveform modelling )                                            ISTerre                                            Supervisor:  Dr. Laurent Stehly and Dr. Anne Paul                                            Funding: Scholarship of French ministry of higher education, research and innovation
2013.09-2015.07:  MS in Geophysics ( Solid Earth )                                           Université Grenoble Alpes                                           Internships:                                             2015: Influence of topography on the surface wave propagation, Supervisor: Dr. Olivier Coutant and Dr. Anne Barnoud                                           2014:  Solving the Eikonal equation using fast sweeping method,  Supervisor: Dr. Jean Virieux