About Me

Geocaching in Pennsylvania

Doggo (Felix) and I exploring San Diego

Hiking Zion National Park in Utah

A Quick Recap

Hello and thanks for checking out my website! 

My name is Adam and I'm a graduate student at the University of California, Riverside pursing a PhD in geophysics. I joined Dr. David Oglesby's group in the summer of 2022. In the Fall of 2020, I received my BS in Geology with a minor in Planetary Science from the University of Maryland.

My research interests includes seismology, geophysics, and planetary geology, focusing on earthquakes processes here on Earth and on other celestial bodies. I am particularly interested in Southern California earthquakes, more specifically those that effect the San Andreas Fault system and its numerous splays. I am also interested in martian seismology and its relation to earth and lunar seismology.

I am currently researching dynamic earthquake modeling of thrust faults to understand rupture propagation and slip distribution. By modeling earthquakes, I aim to better understand the conditions that lead to real world rupture and to explain their slip distributions.

Why Geology?

My interest in geology began in the elementary school when my teacher first lectured on earthquakes. I became fascinated ever since. Growing up in Southern California, it was something I could always relate to. I was intrigued by the close proximity of the San Andreas Fault and wanted to mitigate its potential seismic hazards.

Why Planetary Science?

I can attribute a 2017 visit to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory which made me realize I could study geology on other celestial bodies. My focus on planetary geophysics led me to pursue a PhD with the aim of working for NASA after grad school.

Organizations and Affiliations



University of Maryland


UC Riverside


Earthcache (GSA)


Geological Society of America


American Geophysical Union


Southern California Earthquake Center


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