Important events' short archive

I enjoy taking pictures when I go out for fieldwork or conferences. I will be carrying huge lens cameras whenever my luggage allows me to.

[2024] Nodal Array Deployment at FORGE in Milford

Deployment of 16 geophone patches around the Utah FORGE area during March 27–.29, 2024 The nodes will stay for a month to study microseisms from the stimulation experiment in April 2024. In the meantime, these will record signals that can be used for structural analysis...!

[2023] Nodal Array Deployment in Salt Lake City

Deployment of 65 geophones (three-component) around the Salt Lake Valley and nearby basins for a year from May 2023.

This project will continuously record ground motions for a year by replacing the sensors every month.

photo: the last round of node recovery at Albion basin

Targeted area: Salt Lake City area/ Red Butte Canyon/ Albion basin 

[2023–] Nodal Array Deployments 

While staying at University of Utah, I encountered many geophones and their data sets to study subsurface of the earth.

photo: fairfield nodal (ZLAND 3C 5 Hz) being deployed.

[2018, 2019] Pacific Array - Oldest 1

Deployment of BBOBS and OBEM on oldest part of Pacific plate was conveyed from Oct 29th- Nov 9th 2018.

photo: BBOBS (left) and OBEM (right) on deck

Participated in deployment & recovery cruises.