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Miscelanous Materials

Miscellaneous Materials:

Miscelanous Materials

Quotes, photos, songs, videos, and other forms of media that support lessons. The "hook questions" of the unit often pull from these materials. This document houses interesting veiwpoints and portrayls of opioids and their consumption. 

Hand-Outs, Visuals, and Primary Sources 

These resources are for the in-class acticities like source analyses. 

Hand Outs, Visuals, and Primary Sources

Primary Source Databases and Websites 

For in-class activities and student research. EXPANSION AND ANNOTATIONS FORTHCOMING 


Sources sited in my research for this unit. EXPANSION, EXPLANATION/ANNOTATIONS FORTHCOMING 

Bibliography for Product of learning

Class Padlet Page:

Both studetns and instructor will add to the Padlet page for interesting points and key takeways from class discussions. Addtionally, the Padlet page will also be available for studetns to add reactions to the "hook questions" and other multimedia materials. By the end of Lesson 5, the Padlet page, combined witht he small groups' Doogle document, will serve as a research and/or study guide for the unit's summative paper.