SEHO by-laws


Revised June 8, 2023


Article I. Membership


Section 1. Any person interested in household economics broadly defined may become a member of the Society by paying the participation fee for an annual conference. The membership is valid for 3 years and can be renewed by paying the participation fee for another annual conference before the membership expires.


Article II. Officers


The President-elect shall be selected by the full membership and shall serve for 2 years before becoming President and serving in that capacity for 2 years. The President shall not be allowed to serve for more than one consecutive term.


The Founding President shall serve as Secretary-General, the second President as Conference Officer, and the third President as Operations and Strategy Officer.


Article III. Executive Committee


The Executive Committee shall consist of the following 13 members—7 elected members and 6 appointed members. 


Section 1. Elected Members


The Executive Committee shall include the following 7 elected members: the President-elect, the current President, and 5 rank-and-file members, all of whom shall be elected by the full membership. Presidents shall serve on the Executive Committee for 4 years (2 years as President-elect and 2 years as President) whereas the 5 rank-and-file members of the Executive Committee shall have a 3-year term but can be re-elected without limit.


Section 2. Appointed Members


The Executive Committee shall include the following 6 appointed members: the Secretary-General, the Conference Officer, the Operations and Strategy Officer, and the main organizers of the most recent annual conference, the next annual conference, and the next annual conference after that. The first three shall have an indefinite term, whereas the main conference organizers shall have a 3-year term, serving in the Executive Committee from 2 years before the conference they organize until 1 year after.


Section 3. Replacement of Members


If the total size of the Executive Committee falls below 13 for whatever reason, new members will be elected until the number of members becomes 13.


Section 4. Election Procedures


The Executive Committee shall prepare a list of candidates for President-elect and rank-and-file Executive Committee members, and the full membership shall select from among the candidates on the ballot. Space shall be provided on the ballot for members to write down the name of an alternative choice for all offices.


Article IV. Annual Conference


The Society shall hold an academic conference once a year, and the venue and main organizer of the conference shall be decided by the Executive Committee.


Article V. Annual Members’ Meeting


The Society shall hold a members’ meeting once a year sometime during the annual conference.


Article VI. Amendments


Amendments to these bylaws shall be adopted after being approved by the Executive Committee.


Article VII. Transition


These bylaws were approved by the Executive Committee and became effective at the members’ meeting held on June 8, 2023, in Copenhagen, during SEHO 2023 annual conference, in a plenary session to enable as many members as possible to attend it. The rank-and-file members of the Executive Committee will be elected next by the full members. The Board will be abolished pursuant to the new bylaws, but the Board will remain in existence until May 2024, when the terms of all members expire.