Working Experiences


Position: Lecturer and researcher of remote sensing, GIS and cartography for marine science

Position: Remote sensing expert

Summary: Do a research related with remote sensing imagery and software. Project preparation, deliver a solution to our client and assurance the quality of the final product.

Position: Team leader

Location: Sulawesi island

Project: Updating land cover map at 1:50.000 scale

Summary: Visual interpretation of land cover using satellite imagery with landscape ecology and multistage approach. Field checking in a selected sample, create a final map, geodatabase, and disseminate the final product in front of local government.

Position: Lecturer

Faculty: Teacher Training and Education

Department: Geography Education

Summary: Teach about basic remote sensing, GIS, and carthography. Supervise for student thesis and do a research.

Position: Laboratory Assistant

Department: Earth technology

Laboratory: Spatial modelling laboratory

Summary: Prepare and evaluate of any laboratory activities.

Position: Geodatabase technician

Department: Geodatabase

Summary: Digitize remote sensing imagery and converting geodatabase.