Seeking Pearls


Seeking Pearls Ministry exists to glorify God by providing quality materials to help students learn the Scriptures. Knowing God’s Word not only requires reading, but also studying and practicing what He teaches. At Seeking Pearls Ministry, we know that casting God’s pearls is a privilege and a responsibility. Our curriculum seeks to make this a fun and memorable experience! We love to know that students are excited and anxious to experience God’s Word! Here, we try to make that endeavor a life-long adventure.  

Our goals include publishing an Adventure curriculum each year to coincide with Leadership Training for Christ. Although the curricula was designed for use in this program, it can be used by parents, schools, and churches from every denomination. Each Adventure series will be a little different than the last. Some focus on scene construction, as Revelation Adventure© does, while others focus on timeline construction, games and role playing. Join our email list for updates on upcoming curricula! 

No matter the book of the Bible, all of the Adventures will be fact-only, no interpretation of God’s Word; we leave that to parents, teachers, and ministers. Knowing exactly what God said is key in knowing Him and not being misled by others. Our mission is to point students to the One, true God and His Kingdom! Seeking Pearls Ministry is for His glory and His purposes!   

Luke Adventure©

Luke Adventure© is a fact-based Bible curriculum, specifically designed to teach the book of Luke to 3rd-12th grade students. This downloadable curriculum is all about investigation! Just as Luke “carefully investigated everything from the beginning,” your students will do with same by interviewing witnesses, reporting on “incidents” involving angels, prophecy fulfillment, collecting physical evidence, and encounters with the Man Himself: Jesus! 

                                                                                                                                                                                        Students will investigate each chapter of Luke with the following in mind: validity of the witnesses, details, and testimonies, along with corroboration of facts as recorded in Luke.

Using a variety of methods, students will take notes, compile evidence, and collect proof that Jesus is who we claim Him to be: Our Lord and Savior, the Son of God!

This curriculum includes:

114 Incident Report templates 

36 Witness Report templates

13 Prophetic Announcement Reports

3rd-6th grade students have their own fill-in-the-blank reports while 7th-12th grade students have note-taking reports to complete. 

Plus... Physical Evidence suggestions to add to your investigation! 

NOW AVAILABLE for just $299!

© 2023, Seeking Pearls Ministry. All rights reserved 

Life of Moses Adventure©

Life of Moses Adventure© is a fact-based Bible curriculum, specifically designed to teach the life of Moses to 3rd-12th grade students. This downloadable program consists of 10 different games and more than 650 comprehension questions, all focusing on knowledge gained from the following books and chapters: 

Exodus 1-20, 32-34          Numbers 16-17, 20-22         Deuteronomy 1-4, 31-34

The games can be separated by book and chapter so that they can be utilized in multiple ways for maximum flexibility with your students! 

The games included are adaptations of:

Taboo- includes 108 cards

Trivial Pursuit©- includes 711 trivia cards 

Faces & Places- complete deck of 144 cards

Memory- includes 648 cards in each of two decks

Plus SIX more fun games 

Over 650 multiple choice comprehension questions

AND the Life of Moses Adventure© PowerPoint Presentation!

NOW AVAILABLE for just $299!

Matthew Adventure©

Matthew Adventure© is a fact-based Bible curriculum, specifically designed to teach the book of Matthew to 3rd-12th grade students. The curriculum includes:


Genesis Adventure© is a fact-based Bible curriculum, specifically designed to teach the book of Genesis to 3rd-12th grade students. The curriculum includes:

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Revelation Adventure© is a  fact-based Bible curriculum, specifically designed to teach the book of Revelation to 3rd-12th grade students. The curriculum includes: