Week 2- Sound Waves

This Week's Challenge

First of all HELLO. We made it to another week! This is an extra credit challenge. Watch this great performance of sound waves. The sounds you hear are created by vibrations, reaching a device then stored as 1's and 0's, transmitted to you now through EM waves, then back to sound waves reaching your ear. State all the different mediums that created the sound from left to right. Then write a concluding sentence explaining how important sound is to your life. You can a) post it in the discussion on canvas or b) Write about it on a separate sheet of paper and submit it with your packet.

Week 2 Tasks

For this lab you will use the frequencies found by your phone's sensor to identify the patterns in vibrations of a bottle when it is tapped vs while it is blown across. Here are instructions on how to get the free app from google science journal for your phone or device.

Sneak Peak- Sound Practice

Here is your test. It is open book and resources. I have provided a sound review with answers and answers to past assignments to help you out a little. Good luck. Sound Review with Answers past homework answers and wave mechanics worksheet with answers.

You will go to section PHYS.4.2 and read the first five pages and answer the questions in your EM waves study guide that follow along with the reading.