2023.12.01 - 2023.12.02


Place:National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

 Important dates

Pre-registration deadline : August 31,2023

Abstract submission deadline : September 30, 2023

Full paper submission deadline : October 31, 2023

CV submission deadline : October 31, 2023

SEEBUS 2023 : December 1 and 2, 2023

 Important News

2023/11/01 : Initial version of Schedule was uploaded. 

2023/11/22 : Schedule and place information were uploaded.

2023/11/28: Final Program were uploaded.

Mission of SEEBUS
The Japan-Korea-Taiwan Joint Seminar on Earthquake Engineering for Building Structures, also known as SEEBUS, has been held each year since 1999. The purpose of this Joint Seminar is to bring together researchers and experts from Taiwan, Korea and Japan to discuss the most recent developments on earthquake engineering for building structures. The seminar is held once a year in Taiwan, Korea and Japan by turn, in order to have efficient and timely discussions among the delegates from all three countries.

Origin of SEEBUS
In 1998 when the second International Symposium on Architectural Interchange in Asia "Asian Architecture in the 21st Century" was held in Kobe, Japan, Prof. Dong-Guen Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) and Prof. Fumio Watanabe (Kyoto University, Japan) reached the agreement that a joint seminar on earthquake engineering for building structures should be organized for the mutual exchange of information and the research promotion among young researchers in both countries. At that time they also hoped the future participation from other countries in Asia. However they did not intend to make this a big meeting like WCEE because the purpose is fruitful discussion within limited number of participants.

In 2000 when the second SEEBUS was held in Kyoto, two distinguished keynote speakers, Prof. Keh-Chyuan Tsai (National Taiwan University) and Prof. Shyh-Jiann Hwang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology) were invited and they agreed that Taiwanese researchers should join the SEEBUS seminars and to host the third seminar in 2001. In these early SEEBUS seminars, the delegates from all three countries have reached the following agreements, which later become the traditions of SEEBUS seminars.