Commercial Real Estate Agency

Commercial Real Estate Agency - Sales Team Challenges And How To Fix Them

Commercial real estate is full of disorganized sales and leasing teams. They are often reluctant to work with each other. It is a fact that you can cover all the market and opportunities if you hunt together. It can be difficult to do it all yourself and slow down your progress.

If they're not disciplined, lone operators or lone sellers in commercial real estate agencies will fail. You should be part of a team if you're not already. Make sure you have a good relationship with your team and respect each other's work ethic and skills. If you don't find someone in your team who is valuable and you can respect, then you might be in the wrong place.

If you are a buddy with another salesperson, it is important that you both understand and follow through on the agreement. How you will divide the territory, clients, referrals, listings, and commissions. It's not about sharing the'spoils'; it's about sharing the hard stuff like prospecting, meetings and inspections.

In commercial real estate agencies, I have witnessed some great 'team' relationships where one's skills are combined with that of a fellow member. These relationships are usually successful when people do the required work and go the extra mile to get the results.

The 'buddy system' is a great idea, as the property market is slower and more difficult than usual. As you progress in the market or the property type, you can help and support each other. Sometimes, you will find that your "buddy partner" is more skilled than you in certain property types or aspects of the job.

These are some tips to help you plan if you decide this buddy system is right for you.

  1. You must agree to work together for at least 5 days per week, and 10 hours each day.

  2. Support each other during illness and holidays.

  3. If and when necessary, you should always be available for support and extra time.

  4. Once a week, have special team meetings where you can exchange notes about listings and clients.

  5. Contact us at the end each day to discuss progress with quality clients, prospects and listings.

  6. If necessary, give each other the lead.

  7. Prepare to introduce clients to your 'buddy'. It is helpful if the client has someone they can turn to if you are ill.

  8. You should be prepared to share clients among your listings. If you are able to sell or lease a property, ensure that the right commission split is in place.

  9. When inspections or client problems arise, support each other.

  10. Regular role-playing and practice in negotiations, calls and inspections will help you to share your market knowledge.

  11. You can share your knowledge in property sales, leasing, management, retail, and other areas.

It is very productive to work with other members of your team. You have to make it happen. You must establish trust between you, and then take the necessary steps to make this happen.