Free New Book Reveals How I Built A 7-Figure Online Business Using Nothing But Ethical Email Marketing To Drive Revenue, Sales and Commissions. 

Here's How I Went From Working 60-80 Hour Weeks To Only 5 Hours Per Week By Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Digital Business Model Upside Down

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Heard of Before – Read The Story Below To Discover The Secret Email System…

From: the desk of Matt Bacak

Re: Your Freedom (and why this is your only way out)

Dear Future Email Marketer,

Surprised to see a $5.60 book on a sales page built to sell a $500 product?

I thought you might be…

Would it surprise you, even more, to learn that I sold over $23,480,824 worth of digital, physical, low-ticket, and high-ticket products & services….


I sold all that using the same exact email marketing system which this new $5.60 book reveals.


You should be.

After all, you can’t believe everything you read online 🙂 

So Let Me Prove It To You

But first, read this disclosure:

It took me 3 years and $65,000 of trial and error to figure out everything to the point where it just works…

…and you being completely new to this – can still fail, because even though you’re taking the exact system I developed; if you do not apply it, you will still not get results.

The only time you can and will get results with this system is once you implement it.

And once it’s up and running – it only requires about 30 minutes a day to operate.

15 minutes in the morning to send the emails and 15 minutes at night to send the emails.

What you do in between is up to you.

Typically, I just check sales like these in between:

Which Turns Into This...

And this... 

And this... 

And that’s all it takes…that little work and I was able to generate $23,488,424 in the past 17 years working only 30 minutes per day.

Simply By Just Email Marketing To These Subscribers On My List