Constructing A Better You

Constructing A Better You

Success Tips

So what ways can you stay calm, composed and maintain self-esteem in a difficult environment? Here are some key steps you may to consider as a launching pad to self-improvement.

Picture yourself as a Dart Board.

Think of everything and everyone else around you as Dart Pins. As they strike, they damage your self-esteem and hurt you in so many ways. Now how can you stop them?

Dart Pin #1 : Work

Beware of “survival of the fittest theory that may occur in a negative work environment. Some places rather than encourage cooperation, turn into a war zone. It is easy to want to jump in, and start a non ending fight. Stop it! Stay out of this, it will hurt your self-esteem. See others in a work place as a way of learning. What can you glean from others’ experiences?

Dart Pin #2: Other People’s Behavior

You can’t change how other’s act, you can only change your response to how they act. You control yourself and not others. Don’t worry about the behaviors of others, worry about yours.

Dart Pin #3: Change

Change is painful. It forces us into an arena that is unfamiliar. It exposes our weaknesses. Gold is transformed by fire. It expands, but it ultimately ends up in the right shape that was intended. While change may cause you to hurt temporarily, if you look at it as an opportunity, you will discover new ways to self-improvement. For example you have a new job role, and much is expected. As you learn to ride the curtails of change, like a wave, it will surely carry you up.

Dart Pin #4: The Past

Cry if you must about the pain of the past, but don’t remain there. See it as a chance to learn, and a lesson point. If you stay too long at your pity party, it will eat you up!

Dart Pin #5: Perception

Two people can go through the same experience, but perception will determine their different outcomes. Do not get caught up in the negativities of the world. In every dark area, determine to find the light, even you have to be the light!

Dart Pin #6: Determination Theory

What determines who and what you are, is a mix of genetics and the environment. Remember that you do not have to follow the negative patterns that may be in your family. If your parent was an alcoholic, by changing or creating the right environment, you can determine that you do not fall into that same tunnel.

Life is really about choices. You can choose to be happy or not. When you wake up every day, it is important to have affirmations to determine how your day goes. Choose to speak positive words, and determine that no matter what, even if someone says something negative, it will not change that stand. The more you do that, the more natural it becomes. Today you must choose to build your self-esteem. There is no magic genie. God wouldn’t descend from heaven and say– “Michael, I give you the decree to now improve your life”

Let’s face it. Life is rough, especially when negative forces around are bringing you down. Think of life as a battle. There are many wars to be won. Remember to have the right armor of protection, to prevent the random attacks. Also realize that falling down does not mean the war or battle is lost. Once you get up, you have another chance to fight again. The more you fight, the tougher you become, and the stronger you become. That is how it is with self-improvement.

Take responsibility for your inadequacies. You can never get on the journey of improving yourself if you never admit there is something wrong. What is interesting is that as you are fighting, you move up the ranks in the military. Eventually you become the commander of the team, the leader. Then you become the go-to person to help others develop their self-esteem. You become a movement. I know, because I have been there.

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