Privacy Policy

We value your concern for privacy. We assure you that the information provided to us it kept secure and confidential. Please read terms and conditions below to gain perior knowledge regrading our approach.

The data we collect

This is to assure you that the information we collect from you is only used to give you the best experience in use of the service. The amount and type of information we collect depends on the nature of interaction.

1. Personal Information

We do not collect any Personal Information about you. Personal Information includes your name, physical address, social numbers, email address and geographic location information. We never collect any language Modeling Data with your name, phone number, email address and any other personal identifier. Language Modeling Data such as common phrases or words that you use when typing with our app.

2. Non-Personal Information Collected Automatically:

We collect Non-Personal Information. "Non-Personal Information" is information that does not identify you or any other individual, and includes Session and Usage Data, Log Data and Aggregate Information.

3. Application Content Privacy Notice:

We do not store any application content on our servers to protect your privacy. Before deleting the application, please ensure you have back up your content elsewhere.

How we use your information

Personal Information. Since we do not collect Personal Information, we may not use your Personal Information in any way.

Generally we may use Non-Personal information and message data for internal purposes only, such as to provide you with Keyboard Arts Services, to notify you of new products or services, and for promotion and marketing purposes. We do not combine Non-Personal Information with Personal Information.

We do not disclose your information to third parties for the third parties' direct marketing purposes, unless you first affirmatively agree to that disclosure.

Privacy policy changes

Our privacy policy may be subjected to minor changes from time to time. If we make material changes to this privacy policy, we will notify you by email. Note, that your continued use of our products and services after any change in this privacy policy will establish your acceptance of such change.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at: