Secret Neighbor is an evergrowing multiplayer Social Horror game set in the Hello Neighbor universe.

Your group has one goal - sneak around the house, collecting the keys in order to unlock the basement door. The only problem is - one of you is the Neighbor, a traitor in disguise!


Cooperate with your teammates, stay together or tactically split up, use your perks and abilities, and drop those basement door locks one by one.


Stop the intruders! Use your disguise to gain their trust, set up traps, and dispose of those pesky intruders one by one. Convince your friends someone else is the Neighbor and let the witch hunt begin. Your secret must remain safe!

Second: Gameplay As mentioned before, the crashes, about 50% of the games I play results in a crash, I cannot tell you how many times I give this game another chance just for it to crash. And if you do playthrough the game without crashing, expect to have to always waste an inventory slot for a flashlight, because the game is literally pitch black without it. Trust me, I tried turning up my tvs brightness, but to even be able to see a glimpse of the darkness, I have to turn it far enough to start making my eyes literally water, resulting in more migraines, and who knows, eye damage. I remember playing neighbor, and I got knocked out and respawned in the neighbor room, but I literally couldn't find an exit. There were dark parts of the room that I can only assume had the exit, but obviously I couldn't see, I ended up running out of time trying to find an exit in like a 10 by 10 foot room of 15 minutes because it's too dark. Next is the lag, now I grew up playing with shitty pcs and being happy with 5fps cuz of it, I'm not a baby when it comes to lag, and while I would withstand the lag on this game usually, I just think I shouldn't when I take into account the other issues this game has, I mean it is like I'm playing an 8-bit game, and I won't put up with it as long as the other issues persist. And just to put the cherry on top, the games balance just feels horrible, I don't know how they did it, but it seems like both sides are simultaneously op and underpowered at the same time, survivor just feels slow and clunky and I can never run away from killers, but when I play killer I get absolutely buttf****d by the survivors throwing pebbles at me every two seconds. It may just be me, but I feel like outside of my noob views, I feel like a balance issue exists somewhere.

Secret Neighbor Download

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The game is started with a Leader who will give out cards, moderate discussion, etc during the game. Basically they help the game runs smooth. The roles are passed secretly to each player and they will either be a Kid or a Neighbor. Then Object cards are passed to players based on player count. The keys are set aside based on number of players.

Secret Neighbor and Dead By Daylight are both relatively new horror multiplayer video games with pretty similar objectives. In Secret Neighbor, the player plays as one of the six children who are trying to break into the basement of the neighbor's house. So that the plot could be more inserting, one of the children is a neighbor in disguise. To win the game, the children need to collect up to six keys while the neighbor has to catch all of the children.

The main difference between the gameplay of Dead By Daylight and Secret Neighbor is the fact that in the Secret Neighbor the killer is not known from the start. Only the player who plays as the neighbor knows that he is, in fact, a secret neighbor, while the rest of the players must find the keys to unlock the basement in order to win the game.

Killing the neighbor is not a priority, and sticking together and having items in inventory is highly advisable. The neighbor can reveal his identity by himself, or if seen using one of the three generators, that he uses to level up - since the other children cannot interact with it.

When playing as one of the children there are six different classes to choose from: Leader that can blind the neighbor and speed up other children; Brave that can escape neighbor's grips; Inventor that can craft items using cogwheels; Scout that can shoot neighbor with nuts; Detective that has a photo of the location of the keys; Bagger that has additional inventory slot.

Unlike the children, the neighbor doesn't have classes but can gain unique powers by leveling up such as Bear Trap that can stun a child that gets caught or Camouflage that allows him to turn into a random household object.

Secret Neighbour is a game that will entertain the people who are playing it. The concept, previously discussed, in which one the children is the neighbor in disguise is fresh. It gives a dose of mystery and uncertainty while exploring the map and, the players must be careful not to explore with the wrong player - your teammate could be the one that is trying to kill you.

Updated August 2, 2019:Secret Neighbor is a multiplayer game that's all about stealth and deception. After one of your buddies goes missing in the creepy neighbor's house, it is up to you and the rest of the gang to go find them, but there's an unknown traitor in your group. Play as anyone in the gang or even the secret neighbor! You'll need at least a GeForce GTX 760 or a Radeon R9 270 to run it!

5-10 players take on the roles of either one of the neighborhood kids, the treacherous neighbor or even a secret neighbor. As one of the kids you will need to use your items wisely if you are to locate the keys and unlock the door to win, but beware as not only are the neighbors at the table trying to trick you into voting to let them use a key, but one of your fellow kids is actually a SECRET NEIGHBOR!

Stop the intruders! Use your disguise to gain their trust, set up traps, and dispose of those pesky intruders one by one. Convince your friends someone else is the Neighbor and let the witch hunt begin. Your secret must remain safe!

In the game, players play as a citizen, who just moved into the neighborhood, and try to break into their neighbor's house. Their goal is to successfully sneak into the basement of the neighbor's house to uncover a dark secret while avoiding being caught by him.[3] The game's artificial intelligence (AI) modifies the neighbor's behavior based on the player's past actions, such as setting traps along paths the player followed in a previous attempt.[4][5][6]

In Hello Neighbor, the player finds themselves moving into a old apartment across streetfrom a mysterious neighbor who is behaving in a abnormaly manner and seems to be keeping a secret in his basement. The player's task is to find the details of the neighbor's apartment and solve a series of puzzles to gather the items needed to unlock and access his basement. As the player explores the neighbor's house, they must not be spotted by the mysterious neighbor, or they will be chased down, and if the player is not quick enough to hide or escape, then they will be captured. The player can stun the neighbor by throwing objects at him for an easier escape. If the player is caught (or suffers a serious injury on the main point), they will be sent back to their own house and will have to break in again. Upon starting again, the player must be more careful, as the neighbor will deduce movements from the last attempt to set up traps.[8] However, the player can use the game settings to turn on "friendly" neighbor mode, preventing the neighbor from setting these traps and causing him to be less aggressive in his pursuits. However, he is still to be avoided at all costs.[9]

A boy named Nicky Roth is chasing a ball down the street when he hears screams coming from his neighbor's house, which belongs to Aaron Peterson. Nicky goes to investigate and witnesses Mr. Peterson locking someone in his basement. Nicky sneaks into the house, finds the key to the basement, and enters. He finds that Mr. Peterson has converted his basement into a makeshift maze-like underground dungeon, but finds no sign of any prisoner. Mr. Peterson then chases Nicky and locks him in the dungeon, thus beginning Act 2.

Hello Guest was a spin-off of Hello Neighbor made by TinyBuild, the game took place in the mysterious 'Golden Apple Amusement Park, and the game revolved around playing both either Quentin or Beatrix solving puzzles and outsmarting the guest, a learning AI similar to the neighbor from the first game, all while attempting to restart the roller coaster. This game was dropped onto mobile devices, swiftly deleted, and has not been acknowledged by TinyBuild as part of the franchise, despite their continued use of the Guest character introduced in this game.

A prequel to Hello Neighbor, titled Hello Neighbor: Hide & Seek, was announced during PAX West in August 2018, and released on December 7, 2018, on the same platforms as the original game, including non-Microsoft systems.[27] Set several years before the events of the original game, Hide & Seek deals with the events in Mr. Peterson's life that caused him to become a recluse.[28] The gameplay is similar to that of Hello Neighbor, but instead of Nicky, the player controls Mr. Peterson's daughter Mya as she plays hide-and-seek with her brother, Aaron (who takes the place of the neighbor), in various fictitious scenarios. The story is told through cutscenes in-between levels, which reveal that the children's mother dies in a car crash sometime during the events of the game. In his grief, Aaron later pushes Mya off the roof of the house, resulting in her accidental death.

The game follows Quentin, a reporter who had arrived to Raven Brooks to write about the story of the disappearance of Aaron and Mya, however he would soon learn that Mr. Peterson has taken refuge in the closed museum, to which he must sneak inside the homes of the other residences of Raven Brooks in search for keys in order to enter it. As Quentin progresses, he would eventually learn about the deep secrets about the town and avoid a strange figure known as "The Guest". e24fc04721

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