If judged on money value alone, Sam Peters is a hard sell. But if it's judged on whether it makes you want more, then it's a winner. The spin-off knits together modern science with genuine African folklore and easy but cogent gameplay to wrench back some of the thunder the series lost with last year's highly-anticipated but very disappointing Secret Files 3. By shouldering the entire assignment on her own, Sam proves that she can play in the big leagues with the super-competent Nina, and hints at working with her and Max on future cases, which means that there may be more secret files to dust off. It's over all too soon, but it's good to see veteran developer Animation Arts get back its mojo. The game works because it keeps its targets realistic and stays aware of its limitations, thereby achieving almost all that it sets out to do. And for this little big adventure, that is success enough.

Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis... the world is on the brink of disaster. By the time Nina Kalenkow realizes that the recent catastrophes were caused not by nature, but by an unscrupulous secret society known as Puritas Cordis, it is almost too late.

While her ex-boyfriend Max, a scientist, witnesses the brutal methods of Puritas Cordis at the excavation site of an ancient Indonesian temple complex, Nina joins forces with a priest in France to investigate the connection between the secret society's sinister prophesies and the creepy leader of an ancient order. A dramatic race against time begins. Will the protagonists be able to avert the impending apocalypse?

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It seems I'm always forgetting how to show hidden files in the solution explorer of vs2008. I know it's someplace in one of the menu's but I can't seem to find it. For now, the way I turn on and off this feature is by clicking the button right above the Solution explorer as shown below. For everyone's (including mine) information, below are the two views of solution explorer.

Notice that in the left picture, you can see the bin directory and in the right one you can not. The only weird thing is that the tooltip always says "Show All Files", whether you are in the shown mode or hidden mode. Seems to me, when the the files are showing it should say "Hide All Files".

In this game you will see marriage of Nina and Max has to be happened. It will be the most joyful day for both of them. They were very happy at that time but this marriage is spoiled by terrible nightmares. As the time passes and some new incidents take place Nina came to know about some big secrets. Nina knew that she is trapped in an adventure. In this game you will see many wonderful locations and breathtaking places.

A Russian girl named Nina Kalenkov living in Berlin, whose role is to uncover the mystery behind the disappearance of her father, Vladimir Kalenkov, who was involved in a secret scientific project concerning the Tunguska region in Siberia.

The next day Nixon made it clear to the entire National Security Council that the policy would be to bring Allende down. "Our main concern," he stated, "is the prospect that he can consolidate himself and the picture projected to the world will be his success."   In the days following the coup, Kissinger ignored the concerns of his top State Department aides about the massive repression by the new military regime. He sent secret instructions to his ambassador to convey to Pinochet "our strongest desires to cooperate closely and establish firm basis for cordial and most constructive relationship." When his assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs asked him what to tell Congress about the reports of hundreds of people being killed in the days following the coup, he issued these instructions: "I think we should understand our policy-that however unpleasant they act, this government is better for us than Allende was." The United States assisted the Pinochet regime in consolidating, through economic and military aide, diplomatic support and CIA assistance in creating Chile's infamous secret police agency, DINA.   At the height of Pinochet's repression in 1975, Secretary Kissinger met with the Chilean foreign minister, Admiral Patricio Carvajal. Instead of taking the opportunity to press the military regime to improve its human rights record, Kissinger opened the meeting by disparaging his own staff for putting the issue of human rights on the agenda. "I read the briefing paper for this meeting and it was nothing but Human Rights," he told Carvajal. "The State Department is made up of people who have a vocation for the ministry. Because there are not enough churches for them, they went into the Department of State."  As Secretary Kissinger prepared to meet General Augusto Pinochet in Santiago in June 1976, his top deputy for Latin America, William D. Rogers, advised him make human rights central to U.S.-Chilean relations and to press the dictator to "improve human rights practices." Instead, a declassified transcript of their conversation reveals, Kissinger told Pinochet that his regime was a victim of leftist propaganda on human rights. "In the United States, as you know, we are sympathetic with what you are trying to do here," Kissinger told Pinochet. "We want to help, not undermine you. You did a great service to the West in overthrowing Allende."  At a special "Tribute to Justice" on September 9, 2013, in New York, Kornbluh received the Charles Horman Truth Foundation Award for the Archive's work in obtaining the declassification of thousands of formerly secret documents on Chile after Pinochet's arrest in London in October 1998. Other awardees included Spanish Judge Baltazar Garzon who had Pinochet detained in London; and Chilean judge Juan Guzman who prosecuted him after he returned to Chile in 2000.

In a scene from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Harry Osborn is seen looking through his father's secret files on his computer. Among the list of files shown on his computer screen are two titled, "Dr. Morbius File" and "Venom Storage 7-U." The film is clearly referencing the two Spider-Man villains, Venom and Morbius, who both currently have their own films in Sony's Spider-Man Universe.

In the closing days of the Second World War, the Allies found a trove of German files buried in the forests of Germany, including approximately 60 documents that appeared to contain correspondence between agents working around the Duke of Windsor and Nazi Germany. The collection is now known as the Marburg files.

Included here are 68 million pages of documents, a surfboard, 175 million e-mails, countless cowboy hats, 3,845,912 photographs, Stan "The Man" Musial's autograph, gold and silver swords, handmade quilts, diamond jewelry, cowboy boots, classified files, a gift from the pope and the 9mm Glock pistol that Saddam Hussein was armed with when he was rooted out of his spider hole in Iraq.

Fr Peter Gumpel, S.J., 76 yearsold, historian by formation and relator for the cause of Pius XII, refutes the main objection that would be at the origin of the resignation of the international committee, that the Holy See refuses to open the historical secret archives. Already, last October, Cardinal Jorge Meja, Archivist and Librarian of the Roman Church, clearly explained the situation to the group. For the period in question the extremely vast quantity of material of the secret archives after 1923 has still not been catalogued and hence is not available for examination for technical reasons. The 12 volumes already published after a labour of 15 years by four world-famous Jesuit historians, respected for their integrity, contain 5,000 documents that bear scrutiny and examination. It is interesting to note that the relator for a cause of beatification and canonization of Pius XII is aware that his own work has to be worthy of supreme trust because it will be subject to further scrutiny by the Promoter of the Faith and the experts of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, some of whom have lived through the Second World War and the experience of dictatorship. Here is a translation of Fr Gumpel's statement, which was made public on 26 July.

The Bride Scratton/Peter Whigham Papers contain correspondence, writings and personal papers documenting aspects of the lives and careers of Bride Scratton and her nephew by marriage Peter Whigham. The papers span the dates 1894-1966 and have been organized into two series: I. Bride Scratton Papers; and II. Peter Whigham Papers. 

Series I, Bride Scratton Papers , is housed in Box 1 and is organized into three subseries: Correspondence; Writings; and Personal Papers. 

The first subseries, Correspondence, is housed in folders 1-24 and is arranged into General Correspondence; Transcripts of Letters to "R;" and Third Party Correspondence. General Correspondence is alphabetically arranged by correspondent. Most correspondents are represented by one or two letters. An undated letter from A. B. Bruce praises Bride's "courage;" letters from Ana Berry, Peter Jones Ltd., Oreste Sinanide and G. R. Todd concern employment. Folder 6 contains a letter from the War Office on Ned Scratton's Army record. 

Bride's letters from Ezra Pound are located in folders 12-17. There are only two surviving letters written before her divorce, both undated. One of these, apparently dating from late 1921, mentions Dorothy Pound's recent hospitalization and complains that Bride has left Paris: "And dearest and belovedest you are such a fool. You go on diddle dancing on the edge of the crater. I wish you hadn't gone, and I wish you were already on your way back, only it's too much hoping. I love you." 

The remaining Pound letters date from 1930 to 1955. All address her as "Thiy," a "secret name" given by Pound to Bride in imitation of the troubadour custom. The 1930s letters, located in folders 14-16, contain some personal comments. "Dreamt of you last night in Milan, if that news is elevating to your immoral," Pound teased in early 1931. Her financial struggles are a recurrent topic: a 1936 letter congratulates her on being "now free economically without which is no freedom." A letter of 19 January 1936 offers advice and assistance to her in publishing a collection of short stories. Other topics include his progress on the Cantos; his political and economic preoccupations; numerous suggestions for Bride's reading; and a projected visit by her to Rapallo. The final 1930s letter was a lunch invitation sent during Pound's 1938 London sojourn. 

Letters written during Pound's years at St. Elizabeth's are found in folder 17. Pound repeatedly asks for "the story of yr/life for past 9 years;" suggests political and economic reading material; and comments on recent publications by his visitors in Washington. The only letter in the collection by Dorothy Pound was also written during this time and contains news of Pound and her negative estimate of the United States (folder 11). 

Folder 22 contains typed transcripts of letters to "R," identified by Michael Scratton as "copies of letters apparently from mother to E. P." in which names have been changed. The letters, which seem to have been written soon after Bride's divorce, discuss her travel to Capri and return to England; her thoughts on English life and society; her upbringing; mutual friends and acquaintances; and "R's" marital situation. Bride also comments on her "ambiguous position" as a divorcee "having no lover waiting to marry me. My adventures began too late" and her decision to settle in England rather than in Paris. 

Third Party Correspondence contains one letter from Ned Scratton to his brother Guy and one 1926 letter from Gwen Stabler Scratton to Guy Scratton. Written shortly after Ned Scratton's death, the letter discusses her feelings on losing custody custody of Bride's and Ned's children and describes the "bed-sitting room" with "awful furniture" in which Bride was then living. 

The subseries Writings is located in folders 25-45. The first section, Writings of Bride Scratton, contains mostly typescripts and carbon typescripts of articles, sketches, and short stories written by Scratton in the 1920s. Several of these are autobiographical in nature, including "The Obsequies," "A Philanderer," and "Uncle Bertram." Folder 30 contains "Lavinia's Christmas Journey," a text written to accompany a slide show on art written during Scratton's employment by the Art League. The second section, Writings of Ezra Pound, contains annotated and corrected typescripts of Cantos XXVIII, XXIX, and XXX. 

Personal Papers include certified copies of Scratton's marriage certificate and divorce decree; photographs of Bride Scratton, Constantin Brancusi, Ezra Pound and Mrs. Victor Rickard; and "Notes on my mother, Bride Scratton," a manuscript by her son Michael. 

Series II, Peter Whigham Papers , is located in Boxes 2-3 and has been organized into three subseries: Peter Whigham Correspondence; Writings of Peter Whigham; Writings of Others. Peter Whigham Correspondence, which is alphabetically arranged, contains carbons of letters by Whigham and some original replies to him. Correspondence with Margaret Anderson, Djuna Barnes, Baron and Baroness Freytag von Loringhoven, Eugene Jolas, and archivists in Paris and Berlin concerns Whigham's proposed collection of the "literary remains" of Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. Other letters, including those of Betty Radice of Penguin Press, discuss Whigham's translations of Catullus. A 1962 letter from Florence Williams gives Whigham permission to dedicate his translation to William Carlos Williams. 

The subseries Writings of Peter Whigham is alphabetically arranged by title and includes two folders of draft and collected research material for "The Baroness," Whigham's unfinished work on von Freytag-Loringhoven; typescripts and carbon typescripts of "Ezra Pound" and other articles and BBC scripts; corrected galley proofs of Clear Lake Comes From Enjoyment; and extensive notes, corrected typescript, and mock-up sheets for The Poems of Catullus. The subseries Writings of Others, alphabetically arranged by author, contains copies of BBC scripts on Ezra Pound by Michael Alexander and Denis Goacher; a translation of a Raffaelo Carrieri poem; and two unidentified typescripts, one of which concerns Pound. 

Restricted Fragile material is housed in Box 4. ff782bc1db

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