Secondary Party

How is this different from a third party?

-We will NEVER run a candidate. We want people that are already in power, right NOW, to ALSO join our party. These individuals would be registered with their primary party AND their secondary party.

Primary Party? Secondary Party?

-In this new system Republican, Democrat, or Independent would be considered your primary party instead of your only party. You can be two things!

-The 99th Party would be your secondary party. You would be registered as BOTH Rep, Dem, or Ind, AND a member of the 99th.

-This means in regards to anything outside of Housing, Healthcare, and Hunger this individual would vote with Rep, Dem, or Ind. Gun Control, Foreign Policy, etc. and they would vote however they want.

-This means in regards to Housing, Healthcare, and Hunger this individual would vote with the 99th. They would vote FOR Medicare For All, FOR funding to ensure our nation's people are fed.

Isn't that just a voting bloc, organization, PAC, etc.?

-The reason we are a party instead of anything else is a candidate's party is ON THE BALLOT.

-We want voters to know, at the polls, ON THE BALLOT, what the candidates believe in.

What if someone registers with the 99th, then votes against their policy?

-We drop them.

-As a new concept, we make the rules. If someone registers with the 99th and votes against our policy they will no longer be a member, and the 99 will no longer be on the ballot.

-Voters will know whether or not this candidate votes for having their most basic needs met.

How are you going to convince people to join? What's to stop someone from simply not joining?

-That's where you come in! WE need to spread the word and put the pressure on them!

-We need to be able to hold politicians accountable and ask "Why aren't you a member of the 99th? Why don't you care about having MY basic needs met?"

-We need to be able to hold politicians accountable and ask "Why aren't you a member of the 99th? Why don't you care about having MY basic needs met?"

-This is also where the register/drop system comes in. They have to care enough to register, and then ACTUALLY vote in line instead of making promises they won't keep.

-That way in elections afterwards, Americans can look on the ballot and know right there whether or not the candidate cared if they lost their home, had medical access or went hungry. ESPECIALLY now.

But what about everything else? Education? Foreign Policy?

-We have no stance on anything outside of Housing, Healthcare, and Hunger.

-BUT. Is it something you really care about? Is it something you think you could get the required number of signatures for?

We want to be the FIRST. If our concept takes off and we do become the FIRST secondary party, there's nothing stopping the formation of more!

-If you're a worker in industry and are really passionate about Workers' Safety you could create a party too! At the ballot you could know right there how candidates vote regarding Workers' Safety.

-If you've been homeschooling your kids during the pandemic and think teachers deserve more money you could form a K-12 Party.

-This way issues We The People care about can be brought directly in front of politicians and we can ask them, "How do you feel about this?" and they can't lie! If they join the party but then vote against it they'll be dropped and you can look at our registry and know immediately, or later at the polls.

This brings us to the accountability opportunity this system offers

-Not only can they not lie.

-But we can ask questions like, "Why is the Secretary of Education not a member of any educational secondary parties?"

What this means for the future:

-Ideally, someday, we want to go to the polls and see right there on the ballot what a candidate cares about and actually votes for.

-We also help this will help bills become more focused on one specific topic instead of, for example, including Smokey the Bear licensing in a spending bill.

What can I do to help?

-There are so many things you can do, and currently they are all from home!

-The best and easiest thing you can do is talk about it! Tweet about it! Ask your friends if they've heard of us! The best thing you can do is educate people about our concept.

-If you're looking to be more involved you can e-mail us at and we'll find something you want to do!