The Speakers

Gerhard Petrus HANCKE

Associate Professor with the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong

Dr Gerhard Hancke is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong. His research interests are system security, embedded platforms and distributed sensing applications related to the industrial Internet-of-Things. He received a Bachelor and Masters of Engineering degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Pretoria (South Africa) in 2002 and 2003, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge's Computer Laboratory in 2009. Subsequently, he worked for the Information Security Group at Royal Holloway, University of London as a researcher/engineer at the ISG Smart Card Centre (2007-2011) and as a Teaching Fellow (2011-2013).

Title: Security with Physical Context

Abstract: We are increasingly surrounded by simple (and not so simple) devices with computational and communication capability, which assist us in everyday tasks and together comprise the idea of an Internet-of-Things. Some devices are used in security sensitive or critical applications, such as industrial sensor networks, and the security capabilities in such systems are rightly attracting growing interest. To perform their duties the devices are often required to set up ad-hoc connections to interact, and this is could often be with another device or a system where no prior trust relationship exists between the parties. Establishing a secure connection between two devices in such an unstructured environment presents some interesting research problems. Unfortunately, not all these problems can be solved with conventional cryptographic mechanisms alone, and we need to look at alternative ways to reinforce existing security mechanisms.

Incorporating the physical context of a device, i.e. physical characteristics of the device, the communication channel or the surroundings, into security protocols is seen as a possible solution. This talk gives a brief overview of IoT security issues, continuing with discussion on the use of physical context to build, or improve, security services.

Rémi Géraud-Stewart

Dr Rémi Géraud is a cryptologist, security researcher (Qualcomm) and member of the ENS Information security group. His research interests include the mathematics of public-key cryptographic protocols, information security, physical and network intrusion, defensive design, and on a broader scale the economics and geopolitics of information.

Title: Interactive and non-interactive proofs of RSA moduli well-formedness

Constantin Catalin Dragan

Assistant Professor (lecturer) in Secure Systems at the University of Surrey, United Kingdom

Dr. Constantin Catalin Dragan is a Lecturer in Secure Systems at the University of Surrey, United Kingdom. Catalin has received his PhD degree in computer science (with a focus on secret sharing) from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Romania in 2014. Prior to this position at Surrey, he was a postdoctoral researcher at LORIA, CNRS, INRIA (France) and University of Surrey (UK). His main research interests are applied cryptography (e.g. secret sharing, attribute-based encryption/signature), provable security, formal verification, privacy-preserving technology, and electronic voting. Catalin has published 15 papers in well-known international conferences (e.g. S&P, CSF, EuroS&P, ACNS, CANS), and high impact journals (e.g. Info. Sci., IEEE Trans. Serv. Comput.).

Title: TAPESTRY: A De-centralized Service for Trusted Interaction Online


We present a novel de-centralised service for proving the provenance of online digital identity, exposed as an assistive tool to help non-expert users make better decisions about whom to trust online. Our service harnesses the digital personhood (DP); the longitudinal and multi-modal signals created through users' lifelong digital interactions, as a basis for evidencing the provenance of identity. We describe how users may exchange trust evidence derived from their DP, in a granular and privacy-preserving manner, with other users in order to demonstrate coherence and longevity in their behaviour online. This is enabled through a novel secure infrastructure combining hybrid on- and off-chain storage combined with deep learning for DP analytics and visualization. We show how our tools enable users to make more effective decisions on whether to trust unknown third parties online, and also to spot behavioural deviations in their own social media footprints indicative of account hijacking. This keynote is based on work that appeared in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing

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