Sebastian Opper
Department of Algebra
Charles University
Sokolovská 49/83, Praha 8, Czech Republic
E-mail: opper (at)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0719-0463
I am a postdoc at Charles University and principal investigator of the Primus grant “Categorical Knörrer periodicity, cluster categories and tensor triangulated geometry”. Isaac Bird and Jordan Williamson are also funded by the grant.
In 2020-2022, I was a postdoc mentored by Jan Šťovíček and funded by the grant "Symmetries, dualities and approximations in derived algebraic geometry and representation theory" and the Charles University Research Center.
Until 2019, I was a PhD student of Igor Burban.
My research interests lie in representation theory of algebras and their cross-connection to algebraic geometry and mirror symmetry through their derived categories. My recent interests revolve around derived Picard groups and criteria for intrinsic formality of algebras.
Sebastian Opper. Spherical objects, transitivity and auto-equivalences of Kodaira cycles via gentle algebras, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2024). published (online first), arXiv.
Sebastian Opper and Alexandra Zvonareva. Derived equivalence classification of Brauer graph algebras, Adv. Math., Volume 402 (2022), 108341. published, arXiv.
Sebastian Opper. Integration of Hochschild cohomology, derived Picard groups and uniqueness of lifts, arXiv:2405.14448 (2024).
Sebastian Opper. On auto-equivalences and complete derived invariants of gentle algebras, arXiv:1904.04859 (2019).
Sebastian Opper, Pierre-Guy Plamondon and Sibylle Schroll. A geometric model for the derived category of gentle algebras, arXiv:1801.09659 (2018).
Proceedings and other writing
Sebastian Opper. Categories associated to punctured surfaces and surface braid twist group actions on triangulated categories, to appear in Proceedings of the ICRA 2022 in Buenos Aires (2024).